Black Hole
12.00 12.00 12.0 USD
BLACK HOLE (P. Black ‘19)
TB Midseason-Late 37” (94cm)
Tall, well- branched sultry purple black bitone with black styles and purple black beards. Strong healthy growth with plenty of increase.
Sdlg. X34C: Raven Girl X T96B: (Wicked Good x Laughing Clown sib)
Black Is Black
10.00 10.00 10.0 USD
BLACK IS BLACK (Schreiner '10)
TB Midseason 37" (94 cm)
Nicely ruffled pure black. Falls have a satiny sheen. Strong growth with superb branching and buds. Honorable Mention 2012, Award of Merit 2014; Wister Medal 2017.
Black Label
13.00 13.00 13.0 USD
BLACK LABEL (P. Black ‘20)
BB Midseason- Very Late 24” (61cm)
As BBs go, ‘Black Label’ is perfection in addition to having a wonderfully diverse parentage. Purple black bitone flowers have white hafts with black veins that continue down the falls. Perfectly proportioned stalks have an amazing 3 branches plus spur and 9-11 buds. You can’t miss its strong grape fragrance.
Sdlg. Y68A: U35A, Daffy Duck sib X W191A: (S207I: (Keeper x Q47C, Devil’s Delight pod parent) x U80C, Waylaid sib)
Black Lipstick
10.00 10.00 10.0 USD
BLACK LIPSTICK (K. Keppel '16)
TB Early-Mid 35" (89 cm)
Silky smooth deep purple black including beards. From plicata breeding.
Honorable Mention 2018, Walther Cup 2018, TB Award of Merit 2021
Blackberry Bandit
38.00 38.00 38.0 USD
TB Early-Midseason 32” (81cm)
Pronounced sweet fragrance ‘Blackberry Bandit’ is sure to seduce you and never break your heart. Clean, husky growing plants produce show stalks with 3 branches and spur plus 8-9 buds. Standards and styles are mid-dark red violet. Extended white hafts with dark red violet veins form a butterfly wing pattern coalescing into the solid red-black lower half with irregular white dotted edges. Two-toned orange to purple beards add a charming character. Sdlg. Y10B, Cast a Tall Shadow sib
Blazing Orange
26.00 26.00 26.0 USD
BLAZING ORANGE (Paul Black 23)
BB Midseason-Late 26” (66cm)
Pronounced sweet fragrance This fiery apricot orange will instantly command your attention when you walk into your garden. Bright it is. Dark plum hafts showcase vivid red-orange beards. Show stalks have 3 branches and 8-9 buds. Makes quick clumps. Sdlg. Z125A: Time Out X Shivaree
Blue Eyed Girl
9.00 9.00 9.0 USD
BLUE EYED GIRL (T. Johnson ’17)
SDB Early 15” (38cm)
Honey yellow standards over lighter falls with nice deep honey yellow fall wash around big bushy deep violet beards. Three buds on a strong growing plant. Startling!
SDB Award of Merit 2021
Sdlg TG344B: (Chicklet x Meow) X Worry Wart
Bluebeard's Ghost
9.00 9.00 9.0 USD
SDB Mid-Late 14.5" (37 cm)
Pristine ruffled white with clean dark blue beards. Perfectly formed. To see it is to want it. A MUST HAVE! Popular.
Bluebird Of Happiness
11.00 11.00 11.0 USD
TB Midseason-Very Late 45”(114 cm)
The entrancing song of this little bluebird will put a smile on your face and a song in your heart. These classically styled, near-perfectly formed flowers are supported by strong show stalks having 3 branches and 8-9 buds. Plants are quite disease resistant and growth is strong and vigorous.
Sdlg. P218B: Blue Rising sib X Paul Black
Blushing Diamond
9.00 9.00 9.0 USD
SDB Midseason 10” (25cm)
Beautiful clear pink standards and rim on white falls. White beards. Diamond dusted finish. A showy favorite with three buds. Classy!
Sdlg TG312A: Fashion Baby X Joyful Love
Blushing Doll
14.00 14.00 14.0 USD
BLUSHING DOLL (T. Johnson ’19)
TB Late 35” (89cm)
BLUSHING DOLL is an unusual blend of pink and lavender. The pink is more concentrated at the hafts and edges of the petals. A nice frosted blue beard adds to the beauty. Nice wide and ruffled form gives BLUSHING DOLL a very elegant look. A very pretty iris.
Sdlg. TH128A: Hold Me Now x Unknown.
Blushing Love
22.00 22.00 22.0 USD
BLUSHING LOVE (T. Johnson ’21)
TB Mid 33” (84cm)
Icy pink white standards with light pink flush up the midrib. Falls are light pink with deeper pink hafts and edge and coral pink beards. Another approach to the elusive pink amoena. Very nice classical form with show stems and ample buds make Blushing Love a class act. Lovely indeed!!
Sdlg TI115ZZ: Sib to Poem of Love X Keppel 06-156Y, Friendly Advice sib
Bold Awakening
14.00 14.00 14.0 USD
BOLD AWAKENING (Tasco '16) Early-midseason 33" (84cm) Standards are magenta-rose, veined darker. Falls are brick red with an orange blush and large oval shaped, dark burgundy-black signal.
Bold Chance
26.00 26.00 26.0 USD
BOLD CHANCE (B. Blyth ‘22)
TB Early 36” (91cm)
Sweet fragrance. Full golden yellow standards and yellow styles. Falls are blended tan-brown over yellow. A light violet blaze cascades away from below the yellow beards. Hafts blended golden brown. Very fertile.
Sdlg A173-1: Last Kiss Goodnight sib X I’m Your Man.
Bold Energy
18.00 18.00 18.0 USD
BOLD ENERGY (L. Miller ’23)
MTB Tet. Early-midseason 21” (53cm)
No fragrance. Lightly ruffled mulberry purple with red-orange beard. Nice stems with 7-13 buds. Sdlg. 1319B: 3814A: ((5410B: (Ben A Factor x Red Trooper) x Raspberry Shocker)) X 916E: (2814A: (( Rose City x Raspberry Shocker sib) x Probie)).
22.00 22.00 22.0 USD
BOMBSHELL (T. Johnson ’21)
TB Mid 34” (86cm)
Peach pink standards. Falls are peach with a deep magenta fall wash. A peach center belly stripe starts below the beard and extends to the petal edge, then a wide lighter peach fall band with a pencil thin magenta edge, and tangerine beards complete the picture. Large round and full formed flowers make quite a statement from a distance as well as up close.
Sdlg TI86B: Call Me Maybe X Twilight Rhapsody.
Boo Berry
15.00 15.00 15.0 USD
BOO BERRY (P. Black '21)
BB Early-Midseason 27” (69cm)
This sibling to ‘Poise and Charm’ has all the great traits it has, classic flower form, perfect proportion, strong growth, show stalks with 3 branches and spur providing 8-9 buds. Mid blueberry blue flowers are shaded darker blue around edges. It has a slight sweet fragrance and the added bonus of purple based foliage. I’m using it in my quest for turquoise to green TBs (tall bearded).
Sdlg. X184J: ‘Poise and Charm’ sib.
Boo To You
13.00 13.00 13.0 USD
BOO TO YOU (P. Black '21)
SDB Early-Midseason 14” (36cm)
The accent here is on the round, lightly ruffled and strongly flared falls. The falls of these pristine white flowers are blended light to mid blue over their centers leaving a wide white band and a patch around the beard. Stalks are distributed evenly throughout the clump, so flowers are never crowded.
Sdlg. Z231C, By The Sea sib
Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy
30.00 30.00 30.0 USD
TB Early-Midseason 29” (74cm)
Pronounced sweet fragrance Reveille sounds as the brilliant sun rises just like the vivid yellow-gold standards of this showy flower. Pristine white falls have dark amber bands with red-violet halos inside them. Big bright yellow beards echo the standards color. Three branches and 8-9 buds ensure a lengthy bloom. Showy clumps and shorter stature provide a bright spot toward the front of your landscape.
Sdlg. X89E, Paisley Print sib
17.00 17.00 17.0 USD
BOOM (Paul Black 23)
SDB Midseason-Late 15” (38cm)
Pronounced sweet fragrance It is spring’s explosion of color. Light peach standards are a soft foil for the raucous mid plum falls widely banded light rosy mauve. Bright dark orange beards go “Boom”! Clumps are filled with stalks. Robust growth. Sdlg. BB227A: Hey Look At Me X Yoda