Zipping Along
35.00 35.00 35.0 USD
ZIPPING ALONG (L. Miller ’25) MTB dip. Midseason-late 17” (43cm) No fragrance. Standards bright yellow with a few faint random violet streaks. Falls are White with a lemon band and randomly splashed with red-brown streaks. Sdlg. 4018B: 6814D:(5610B:(Garden Imp x Survivor) x 2710A:(Garden Imp x Persona)) X 715B:(Moose Tracks x 6512B:(2710A:(Garden Imp x Persona) x Autumn Splash)).
Zipped Up
12.00 12.00 12.0 USD
ZIPPED UP (L. Miller ’20)
MTB Late 17” (43cm)
Standards, styles and Falls all have white ground heavily dotted and striped deep purple-violet. Lightly ruffled! Showy!
Sdlg 6414C (Garden Imp x Survivor) X Garden Imp
Zip Zing Zowie
18.00 18.00 18.0 USD
ZIP ZING ZOWIE (P. Black '21)
TB Early-Midseason 35” (89cm)
Your head spins round with the whirlwind of colors of this broken color type. White standards are randomly splashed light lilac and tan. Fall centers are white blended outward to mid yellow and narrowly edged white and then randomly streaked, splashed, veined and mottled varying shades of vibrant red plum. You won’t miss seeing these wildly colorful flowers. Three well-spaced branches produce 7-8 buds.
Sdlg. Y115A: I Broke It X V24C: (Variegated Wonder x Die Laughing).
Zig Zag
10.00 10.00 10.0 USD
ZIG ZAG (T. Johnson ’21)
SDB Late 12” (30.5cm)
Two things immediately come to mind when I think of this flower: the brilliant beard and the wonderful wide, round and ruffled form. It could be described as a rimmed broken color plicata. A very interesting mix of several patterns in one. I have used it heavily in breeding. Zig Zag is one of many iris to be introduced out of the fantastic parent Alaia.
Sdlg TK282B: Stylish Miss X Alaia.
Zero Gravity
34.00 34.00 34.0 USD
ZERO GRAVITY (T. Johnson ’23)
TB Midseason 36” (91.5cm)
Sweet perfume. Steely blue standards with gold and violet blended centers. Falls are steely blue. A very ghostly looking iris and one that we like a lot. Beautiful form and stems. Sdlg. TL22C: Sergey X Espionage.
Zaa Zaa Zing
15.00 15.00 15.0 USD
ZAA ZAA ZING (Paul Black 23)
SDB Early-Midseason 15” (38cm)
Pronounced sweet fragrance Some seedlings are destined for introduction from the moment they open. This is one. It remains a favorite. White standards have light yellow centers changing to veining moving outward. Mid yellow styles echo the standards. Upper two-thirds of white falls are covered with heavy closely spaced dark red-brown veins and mottling. A white stripe bisects them. Neat half and half beards are mid gold ending in white. Makes a stunning and memorable clump you won’t forget. Sdlg. BB199A: (Open Your Eyes X Cheery Blush)
18.00 18.00 18.0 USD
YUPPIE (Black ’24)
SDB Midseason 13” (33cm)
Musky fragrance. Like the 80’s yuppies, the standards are a bit laid back and colors more muted but with an interesting blending of color. Sdlg. BB226N: Hey Look At Me X Sweet Pink
40.00 40.00 40.0 USD
TB Early-midseason 34” (86.5cm)
No fragrance. This elegant lady is ready to step out on the town. She’ll be a big hit with admirers wanting to devour her. She’ll walk by with poise and grace, taking little notice of them. Softly colored flowers are carried on show stalks and produced by strong growth. Standards are a blended mid pink with a white margin. Falls are white with a pale pink band. Sdlg. BB159C: Black Y170C, Stardust Evening sib X Black Y165A: (V159K, Pleasure’s All Mine sib x Friendly Advice)
18.00 18.00 18.0 USD
YOWZA (Paul Black 23)
MTB (tet) Late-Very Late 22” (56cm)
Slight sweet fragrance Considerable breeding has taken place to create fuller and more ruffled MTBs. After years of refining, the goal has been achieved. These classically formed and ruffled blooms create an elegant presence. Mid lilac standards base blends upward to light mauve pink with gilt tan-gold rims. Mid mauve pink styles peer out over very round light buff-pink falls etched with plum veins over their hafts. Fluffy tangerine beards top it all off. Strong growth creates clumps filled with show stalks having 3 branches plus 2 spurs with 9-12 buds. Exceptionally nice in every respect. Sdlg. AA161B: Black X185C, Queen Mum sib X Black Y196B, involved
Your Turn
12.00 12.00 12.0 USD
YOUR TURN (P. Black '21)
IB (tet) Midseason-Late 26” (66cm)
These more simply formed purple black flowers are born in great abundance from healthy clumps. Elaborately branched stalks composed of a main stalk and two basal branches produce 15-18 flowers. The garden impact is one of exuberance.
Sdlg. Y201A: To the Contrary X Night Spirit.
You've Got This
15.00 15.00 15.0 USD
YOU'VE GOT THIS (T. Johnson ’23)
SDB Early 11” (28cm)
Sweet fragrance. Lavender blue with a large black cherry fall spot combined with large white beards. Quite a dramatic showoff and a favorite since its maiden bloom. Sdlg. TL319B: (TI295A x (Thump x Lab) x (Oh Canada x Parade Lap)) X Prego.
You're The One
12.00 12.00 12.0 USD
YOUR’RE THE ONE (T. Johnson ’19)
TB Late 38” (97cm)
Sweetly scented. We have been working on blue bearded pinks for quite some time. Continually working on getting the beard a more saturated blue. We really like YOU’RE THE ONE. Standards are a light lavender pink. Falls are a very light pink to almost white, deepening to a light pink rim. Beards are coral pink in the throat and frosted lavender at the end. Strong growth on nice show stems carrying 9 buds. Beautiful and elegant!!
Sdlg. TH127A: Hold Me Now X Those Violet Eyes.
You're So Veined
16.00 16.00 16.0 USD
You're Early
13.00 13.00 13.0 USD
YOU’RE EARLY (P. Black '22)
SDB Early-Midseason 13” (33cm)
Pronounced sweet fragrance. This pretty little plicata continues with the contrasting-colored styles of ‘It’s a Small World’. Upright light buff standards showcase yummy mid peach styles. Buff falls are lightly washed pink and trimmed with elongated brown to plum plicata hafts. Big fully saturated screaming orange beards clamor for attention.
Sdlg. AA191D: It’s a Small World X Dare
You're Annoying
13.00 13.00 13.0 USD
YOU’RE ANNOYING (P. Black '22)
SDB Early-Midseason 14” (36cm)
No fragrance. It has been impossible to accurately capture the vivid bright colors in a picture. Take my word for it, you won’t miss seeing this blazing blending of pink, apricot, rust, copper and gold colors topped with tangerine beards. It is gaudy to say the least.
Sdlg. AA211B, Sassy Salsa sib
You're A Mess
14.00 14.00 14.0 USD
YOU'RE A MESS (P. Black ‘20)
TB Early-Midseason 31” (79cm)
Here’s another of my genetic broken color types with strong growth and well- branched and budded stalks. Mid mulberry standards have limited random palest violet splashes. Falls have random streaks and splashes of mid mulberry and palest violet. Hafts are streaked plum and tan. Flowers are nicely ruffled and have a sweet fragrance. Show stalks have 2-3 branches and 7-9 buds. A more subtle broken color.
Sdlg. Y113B: I’m Not Stable sib
You Pretty Thing
20.00 20.00 20.0 USD
YOU PRETTY THING (T. Johnson ’22)
TB Midseason-Late 35” (89cm)
Sweet fragrance. Standards are the palest of yellow to cream with strong pink infusions in the center. Falls are very light orchid blue with medium orchid lavender edge and center stripe that extends from the red beard to the petal’s edge. A gorgeous pastel bicolor!
Sdlg TJ87ZZ: All Ashore X Highly Classified.
You Flirt
12.00 12.00 12.0 USD
YOU FLIRT (T. Johnson ’18)
TB Late 36” (91cm)
Light yellow standards are lighter on the edge. Falls are rich burgundy with a narrow lemon yellow edge. The nicely ruffled forms shows the lemon yellow reverse on the petals adding to the effect.
Sdlg. TF34B: Catwalk Queen X Risk Taker.
You Can Jive
20.00 20.00 20.0 USD
YOU CAN JIVE (T. Johnson ’22)
TB Late 38” (97cm)
Sweet fragrance. Canary yellow standards. Falls are light lavender blue below the beard becoming lighter towards the edge. The hafts are touched yellow and there is a light yellow band that surrounds the fall. You Can Jive produces quality show stems with 10 or more buds, grows with strong vigor, and blooms profusely. In fact it puts on such a show that I simply have to stop to admire it each day when it is in flower. Uniqueness can be determined not only by color or pattern but garden performance and this one certainly does that.
Sdlg TJ116C: sister to Mystery Lady from the 2021 lineup.
Writing On The Wall
36.00 36.00 36.0 USD
TB Midseason-late 33” (84cm)
Musky fragrance. ‘Crocodile Smile’ has been a supreme parent for creating unusual and different plicatas. A good proportion of seedlings have lovely branching and buds. Like ironing a small checked shirt, the patterning of Writing On The Wall makes it difficult to focus on any one part. It is unusual. Sdlg. BB104J: Crocodile Smile X Black Y135A: (All Too Exciting x Fancy Ideas)