• Arilbred
  • Border Bearded
  • Intermediate Bearded
  • Lynda Miller Median And Dwarf Introductions
  • Lynda Miller TB Introductions
  • Miniature Dwarf Bearded
  • Miniature Tall Bearded
  • Paul Black TB Introductions
  • Paul Black Median And Dwarf Introductions
  • Standard Dwarf Bearded
  • Tall Bearded
  • Thomas Johnson Median And Dwarf Introductions
  • Thomas Johnson TB Introductions
24.00 24.0 USD
WHEN I GROW UP (Black ’24)
BB Midseason-late 27” (68.5cm)
Sweet fragrance. This ruffled beauty comes with all the exceptional garden traits of its two exceptional parents. Such yummy citrus colors! Sdlg. BB162F: Luscious Lips X Boundless Berry
20.00 20.0 USD
BB Midseason-Late 27” (68.5cm)
Slight sweet fragrance You’ll love the warm yummy colors of these ‘Spiced Apples’. Standards are light copper peach styles mid copper. White fall hafts are mottled light wine then solid to edge. Light rosy peach centers blend to light then mid rosy-copper to edges and are circled with gilt gold rims and adorned with bright orange beards. Show stalks have 4 branches plus spur and 11-14 buds. Superb parent. Sdlg. Z148B: Delectable Treat X Black W182D: (Black U78C:(Black R168C, Three Part Harmony sib x Grace and Charm) x Long And Winding Road pollen parent)
10.00 10.0 USD
SMOOTH JAZZ (P. Black ‘19)
BB Midseason-Late 25” (63cm)
Here’s a full formed and ruffled reverse bicolor. Mid slate violet standards blend to mauve and then to smoky peach. Mid buff peach falls are decorated with big orange beards. Three branches have 8-10 buds.
Sdlg. X143G, Merry Mulberry sib
24.00 24.0 USD
BB Midseason-late 26” (66cm)
Sweet fragrance. A sibling to the small flowered TB, Go Cat, Go, only downsized, but with the same great garden traits, including branching and buds. Perfect for those windy areas where taller TBs tend to topple over. Sdlg BB111B: Black Label X Black Y77A: (Black U59A: (Soft Whisper x Simply Coral) x Daffy Duck)
10.00 10.0 USD
POISE AND CHARM (P. Black ‘20)
BB Early-Midseason 26” (66cm)
Here’s another BB that earns the label of perfection in addition to being a possible route to turquoise TBs. Milkglass blooms are tinted and washed pale blue with style crests tinted turquoise. Show stalks have 3 branches plus spur and 9-12 buds. Impeccable clumps filled with bloom.
Sdlg. X184A: U69C: (Ink Patterns x Alberta Clipper) X U69A, sib
20.00 20.0 USD
PAY THE PIPER (Black 23)
BB Midseason-Late 26” (66cm)
Slight spicy fragrance Once you’ve paid the piper, he’ll give you this spectacular creation. It makes one of the finest clumps with masses of classically formed flowers that last for days from iron like substance. Standards are light buffy pink and styles mid buffy pink. Mid buffy pink falls are washed old rose becoming darker toward edges. Hafts are veined dark old rose as are lines overall. Flaming dark orange beards complete the piper’s act. Exceptionally well-proportioned flowers are carried on show stalks with 3-4 branches and 9-12 buds. Sdlg. BB162E: Luscious Lips X Black Y171B: Luscious Lips sib
20.00 20.0 USD
PATRIOTIC (Paul Black 23)
BB Midseason-Very Late 27” (69cm)
I’ve been working a number of generations for a turquoise TB or at least one that leans well in that direction. I’ve been incorporating medians to give more genetic possibility. It is another project that I’m fast running out of time to complete. ‘Patriotic’ is a clear sky blue with fine dark blue lines over the falls. Classically formed flowers are carried on show stalks with 3 branches and spur providing 8-10 buds. Clumps are filled with stalks and bloom. Sdlg. AA148A: Poise and Charm X Black W164A: (Luxuriant x Black U67 mid blue sib to pollen parent of New Fangled)
15.00 15.0 USD
NEXT UP (L Miller ’21)
BB Space Age Early-Mid 24” (61cm)
Standards and styles flesh pink. Falls deep orchid paling to orchid pink edge. Beards tangerine ending with long spiky flounces of orchid. 7 to 9 buds on nice stems.
Sdlg 7514E: ((Winning Ticket x Rock ‘n Roll) x Act Surprise) X Act Surprised.
10.00 10.0 USD
MYSTIC SIREN (Black ’19)
BB Early 23” (58cm) Clear medium pink standards and haft on light pink to white falls.
13.00 13.0 USD
MY GAL (P. Black '21)
BB Midseason-Late 26” (66cm)
What a well-proportioned beauty ‘My Gal’ is! She’s a color that will turn heads. Full and tightly formed blooms are a rich medley of peach, pink, and apricot with big vivid orange beards to get everyone’s attention. She’s not shy and will give you 9-11 blossoms on show stalks with 3 branches and spur. Superb parent.
Sdlg. X143I, Merry Mulberry sib
10.00 10.0 USD
BB Midseason-Late 26” (66cm)
Many lovely BBs are coming from tetraploid MTB, SDB and IB breeding and this is one with exceptional quality. Ruffled, classically formed blooms are rose mulberry bitone with buff area around tangerine beards. Strong show stalks have 3 branches plus 2 spurs with 12-14 buds. A must have for showing or in the garden.
Sdlg. X143L: U62E, involved X V182A: (R170J, Simply Coral sib x Enough is Enough)
10.00 10.0 USD
BB Midseason-Late 27.5” (70cm)
This classically formed pastel confection will have your mouth watering. Pale peach pink standards are edged butter cream. Strongly flared greenish cream falls have white centers surrounding soft tangerine beards beneath peach styles. Show stalks have 3 branches and 8-10 buds.
Sdlg. X129C: Lightly Buttered X V182A: (R107J, Simply Coral sib x Enough is Enough)
16.00 16.0 USD
LAST OF THE WINE (Paul Black '22)
BB Midseason-Late 26” (66cm)
Slight spicy fragrance. Here is another stop along the way to redder TBs. ‘Morning Show’ has shown in median breeding the ability produce quite red offspring and so I incorporated it into the TBs. ‘Last of the Wine’ is a mid and dark garnet bi-tone that leans well into red. Nicely branched and budded stalks.
Sdlg. Z58B: Hi Love X Black V170A: (Morning Show x Black P24B, Hi Love pollen parent
12.00 12.0 USD
KISS THE FROG (P. Black ‘18)
BB Early-Midseason 26” (66cm)
How about an alluring update on the perennial favorite ‘Jungle Shadows’? It isn’t as dark and brooding as ‘Jungle Shadows’ but it still possesses that mysterious ambiance. ‘KISS THE FROG’ is part of my program to create green/turquoise BBs and TBs.
Sdlg. W129B: Lost World X (Ink Patterns x Alberta Clipper)
26.00 26.0 USD
I BELIEVE (T. Johnson ’23)
BB Late 26” (66cm)
Slight sweet fragrance. Pure white with a large blue signal around the beard. Orange beards. A totally unique breakthrough color and pattern in this class. It is from TB breeding but exhibits all the good traits of a BB with smaller foliage and more refined well branched stems. Beautiful!! Sdlg. TG130G: Sib to Courageous One and Simple Magic
20.00 20.0 USD
GONZO (Paul Black 23)
BB Midseason-Late 25” (63.5cm)
Slight spicy fragrance Descendants of ‘Delectable Treat’ have great substance. This is one of them. It takes 4 or 5 days for the flowers to open and expand. This cross gave a wide range of unique colors and patterns and most having superior branching and buds. Standards and styles are mid greenish yellow. Hafts of greenish cream falls are veined mid rosy brown changing to solid edgings along upper half. Dark pumpkin beards add a bit of warmth. Superbly proportioned flowers are carried on show stalks with 3-4 branches and 9-11 buds. No mistaking this for any other. Sdlg. BB162B: Luscious Lips X Black Y171B, Luscious Lips sib
12.00 12.0 USD
GAY ROMANCE (P. Black ‘20)
BB Late- Very Late 27” (69cm)
You’re sure to fall in love with this richly saturated reverse purple amoena with tangerine beards. Stalks have 2 branches and 7 buds. Striking clumps.
Sdlg. Y130A: V118A, Only the Shadow Knows sib X W116C: (S158A: (Bubblicious x Q6A: (Dearie x Drifting Bubbles)) x Lost World)
12.00 12.0 USD
FRILLED TO DEATH (T. Johnson ’20)
BB Late 26” (66cm)
Frilled is right! Very frilly peach self with deeper peach wash around beard and orange styles. Quite flashy indeed!
Sdlg TG120ZZ Coralina X Abiding love
20.00 20.0 USD
BB Late-Very Late 24” (61cm)
Slight musky fragrance You’ll return again and again to gaze upon this sultry siren. Full, classically formed flowers have smooth mid-dark garnet standards. Velvety black cherry falls are delicately edged in narrow paler ruffles. Glowing light yellow hafts are veined and sanded black cherry and adorned with smoldering burnt orange beards. Clean, vigorous growth produces show stalks with 3 branches and 7-9 buds. The IB, 'Morning Show' was used to provide a different genetic base in the quest for "the red iris". Sdlg. Z121A: Black V170A: (Morning Show x Black P248B, Hi Love pollen parent) X Black X59A, Radiant Garnet sib
24.00 24.0 USD
BB Midseason-late 27” (68.5cm)
Sweet fragrance. Such beauty with exceptional garden qualities! Strong clean growth produces show stalks with 4 branches and 12-15 buds. A sure show winner. Sdlg. BB156D: Black Y165B: (Black V159K, Pleasure's All Mine sib x Friendly Advice) X Black Z145H: (Black V385B: (First Lady Of Spring x Silver Ice) x V168A: (Coral Splendor x Simply Coral))