• Arilbred
  • Border Bearded
  • Intermediate Bearded
  • Lynda Miller Median And Dwarf Introductions
  • Lynda Miller TB Introductions
  • Miniature Dwarf Bearded
  • Miniature Tall Bearded
  • Paul Black TB Introductions
  • Paul Black Median And Dwarf Introductions
  • Standard Dwarf Bearded
  • Tall Bearded
  • Thomas Johnson Median And Dwarf Introductions
  • Thomas Johnson TB Introductions
20.00 20.0 USD
DIFFERENT PATH (Paul Black 23)
BB Early-Midseason 26” (66cm)
Slight sweet fragrance In addition to using the species I. junonia in my SDB breeding, I’ve also used it in TB breeding to bring new genes into plicatas. In only two generations, form is modern and show stalks have been the norm. Gently ruffled standards are mid tan-gold rouged light rose over centers. White blended to butter ground falls have rosy plum plic hafts and 1” bands. Mid-marigold beards echo the standards. Easy growth produces quick clumps filled with stalks having 4 branches and 8-9 buds. Sdlg. Z149A: Black X220A: (Barbara May x I. junonia) X House of Cards
16.00 16.0 USD
COURAGEOUS ONE (Thomas Johnson ’22)
BB Midseason 27” (69cm)
Light sweet fragrance. Canary yellow standards lightening towards the edge. Falls are a very light yellow base washed slightly darker to the edge. A large rust red signal radiates out from around the beards and extends half way down the fall. Nicely proportioned BB and very showy and unique.
Sdlg TK130O: Truth or Dare X Autumn Tease sib.
13.00 13.0 USD
BB Midseason-Late 27” (69cm)
Border bearded irises are no longer sulky shrinking violets. ‘Boundless Berry’ is testament to that with its robust growth and showy clumps filled with bloom stalks. Compact, heavily ruffled flowers have light warm pink blooms. Fall hafts are rouged red plum and veined cream and shade lighter to narrow warm pink bands. Big, dark sienna beards are an interesting contrast. Show stalks have 3 branches and 7-9 buds. A moderate sweet fragrance is a plus.
Sdlg. Y171B: (Delectable Treat X V182D: (R170J, Simply Coral sib x Enough is Enough).
20.00 20.0 USD
BLAZING ORANGE (Paul Black 23)
BB Midseason-Late 26” (66cm)
Pronounced sweet fragrance This fiery apricot orange will instantly command your attention when you walk into your garden. Bright it is. Dark plum hafts showcase vivid red-orange beards. Show stalks have 3 branches and 8-9 buds. Makes quick clumps. Sdlg. Z125A: Time Out X Shivaree
10.00 10.0 USD
BLACK LABEL (P. Black ‘20)
BB Midseason- Very Late 24” (61cm)
As BBs go, ‘Black Label’ is perfection in addition to having a wonderfully diverse parentage. Purple black bitone flowers have white hafts with black veins that continue down the falls. Perfectly proportioned stalks have an amazing 3 branches plus spur and 9-11 buds. You can’t miss its strong grape fragrance.
Sdlg. Y68A: U35A, Daffy Duck sib X W191A: (S207I: (Keeper x Q47C, Devil’s Delight pod parent) x U80C, Waylaid sib)
13.00 13.0 USD
BB Early-Late 23” (58cm)
Flowers, flowers everywhere! The exuberant branching and buds insure you’ll have loads of “Airy” flowers over a long time. There are 4 branches plus spur and a basal branch with 1 branch and 5 buds. It normally has at least 20 buds. Classically formed and ruffled sparkling white flowers have mid violet blue plicata band standards surrounding mid violet blue styles. Falls have a wire rim plic edging. Smaller flowers allow flowers to show without crowding. Proportion is its hallmark. Breathtaking clumps!
Sdlg. Y180A: Stylish Choice X W215A: (S207E: (Keeper x Q47C: (O234A: (Silverberry x L86B: (Waiting For George x Cimarron Trail)) x O230A: (K256A: (Flights Of Fancy x I144A, Fleece as White sib) x T.Johnson TU78A: (I’ve Got Rhythm x Flight Of Fancy)))) x U69A: (Ink Patterns x Alberta Clipper)).
13.00 13.0 USD
ADOLESCENCE (K. Keppel '21)
BB Early midseason 27.5" (70 cm)
Standards light orchid to peach pink; Falls petunia violet with bluer center near orange beards
10.00 10.0 USD
ACT TWO (P. Black ‘19)
BB Early-Midseason-Rebloom 25” (63cm)
Superb branching and buds plus a lovely strong spicy fragrance create a memorable garden presence. Crisp form with plenty of ruffles. Rapid growth.
Sdlg. X147FR: U75BR, Keep Going sib X U41AR: (Advantage X S142AR, Triple Dip sib)