• Arilbred
  • Border Bearded
  • Intermediate Bearded
  • Lynda Miller Median And Dwarf Introductions
  • Lynda Miller TB Introductions
  • Miniature Dwarf Bearded
  • Miniature Tall Bearded
  • Paul Black TB Introductions
  • Paul Black Median And Dwarf Introductions
  • Standard Dwarf Bearded
  • Tall Bearded
  • Thomas Johnson Median And Dwarf Introductions
  • Thomas Johnson TB Introductions
16.00 16.0 USD
INSTANT MESSAGE (T. Johnson ’21)
TB Early 34” (86cm)
Standards have a white ground that is almost completely overlaid with lavender blue. Falls have a stark white ground with a deep inky blue purple plicata band. Tangerine beards are tipped violet. Garden performance is what comes to mind when I think of this iris. It is a very floriferous and strong grower that is quite stunning in full clump. Amazingly beautiful!!
Sdlg TI128A: Whisper in the Wind X (Rumor Has It x High Octane).
16.00 16.0 USD
JUBILANCE (K. Keppel '21)
TB midseason 35" (89 cm)
White standards, infused bright yellow; Falls bright yellow with yellow beards. Very bright.
20.00 20.0 USD
JUST YOU AND ME (T. Johnson ’21)
TB Late 37” (94cm)
Standards are a blended pink with peach gold bands. Falls are white with a narrow light peach band. There is a slight medium peach touched haft area on either side of large powder blue beards. Wonderful wide and ruffled and even slightly laced flowers are carried on gorgeous show stems. A fantastic way to close the season. A very much admired, elegant beauty!!
Sdlg TH122A: Hold Me Now X Lasting Moment
12.00 12.0 USD
KISSED BY AN ANGEL (T. Johnson ’18)
TB Late 34” (86cm)
Very pale blue white standards and edge on falls that are overlaid with med. Lavender blue. Falls have central violet blue lines radiating out from around blue tipped orange beard. Beautiful form and ruffles on well branched stalks carrying up to 9 buds. Very classy looking and much admired by visitors.
Sdlg. TG68C: (Hysteria x (Let’s Romp sib. x Mango Daiquiri sib.)) X Haunted Heart
12.00 12.0 USD
LATEST FASHION (T. Johnson ’19)
TB Early-Midseason 37” (94cm)
Lovely blue white Standards are infused pink in the center. Falls are ruffled salmon pink with a lighter central area below violet tipped orange beards. Latest Fashion has good strong stems carrying 8 buds. A beautiful iris that is much admired!!
Sdlg. TH143A: TD357ZZ: (Head over Heels sib. x Sudden Bliss) X TD139A: (Rasputin x Blyth O227A: (I’m Dreaming sib. x L159-2: (J219-1: (Enjoy the Party x F160-1: (D46-1, Arabian Story sib. x Cast a Spell)) x G63-B, Mandarin Morning sib.)))
12.00 12.0 USD
LAVENDER BREEZE (T. Johnson ’19)
TB Early 36” (91cm)
Sweetly scented. Rich lavender blue standards. Falls are lavender blue with deeper lavender veins extending to a medium lavender diffused band then encircled by a light lavender wire rim. Gorgeous full ruffled form with great stems and buds. Looks mighty fine in a clump. A good strong grower and very floriferous.
Sdlg. TH13B: Sib to Arabian Treasure.
12.00 12.0 USD
LAW AND ORDER (T. Johnson ’20)
TB Early 39” (99cm)
White Standards almost completely overlaid with medium lavender plicating. A narrow gilt edge on the standards and style crests adds to the intrigue. Falls are Stark white with a very dark purple wide band and dotted center belly stripe. Beards are a rich tangerine. A strong grower with nice show stems carrying up to 11 buds. Very floriferous and gorgeous!
Sdlg TI172E sib. to Counting Stars
12.00 12.0 USD
TB Midseason-Late 37” (94cm)
Slight fragrance. LEAVE ME BREATHLESS is exactly what happened when I first laid eyes on this one when it bloomed as a seedling for me the first time. I remember gasping when I got down to the end of the row and saw it. Large showy flowers scream LOOK AT ME! A very fun pattern indeed I am going to let the picture do the talking as far the color is concerned. Nice well branched stems carry 9 buds. A favorite that never fails to delight.
Sdlg. TG160ZZ: Read Between the Lines X TC339A: ((Hysteria x Blyth O201A): (Lets Romp sib. x Mango Daiquiri sib.))
16.00 16.0 USD
LOVING EMBRACE (T. Johnson ’21)
TB Early 37” (94cm)
Icy blue white standards are heavily flushed melon orange in centers. Petal edges are touched lemon. Falls are a full medium salmon to orange with bright tangerine to red beards. As an added touch the peekaboo style crests are orange. Tall and well branched for the early season.
Sdlg TJ334ZZ: Lost in Dreams sib X Bashful Love.
16.00 16.0 USD
LOVOLOGY (B. Blyth ‘21)
TB. Mid. 37” (94cm)
A very pretty approach to a pink amoena that makes a super garden display. It has some excellent show stems. Standards are white, flushed with soft pink at the midribs. Falls are soft creamy pink, deeper on the outer ½” and at the hafts. Beards are tangerine on white.
Sdlg Y63-B: Bring Me Diamonds X Handful Of Magic
20.00 20.0 USD
MADLY IN LOVE (T. Johnson ’21)
TB Late 38” (97cm)
Standards are a blend of salmon and flesh pink deeper at the edges and with a heavy deep violet flush in center of petals. Falls are a milk white with a peach pink border and white tipped tangerine beards. Beautiful show stems with ample buds. The flowers are heavily ruffled and lightly laced. Another welcome addition to the late season bloomers. A very intriguing color. Beautiful!!
Sdlg. TH65B: Catch My Breath X (Silk Road x Full of Grace).
16.00 16.0 USD
MAGIC IN ME (B. Blyth ’21)
TB Mid-Late 37” (94cm)
This came from a cross made in Keith Keppel’s garden in Oregon by me using an American Iris as pod parent and pollen parent is from a Keppel cross made in Australia from Australian varieties and seed sent back to US and raised by Keith Keppel. The seedling which was to become Magic in Me was raised and selected in Australia and was returned to America for naming and introduction, a complete international effort! Standards are creamy lemon, faintly flushed lavender at midribs. The falls are lavender-violet with blended tan around the edges and hafts. Beards are prominent burnt tangerine. An elegant Iris that grows easily and flowers in profusion.
Sdlg. Z16-1: Wishes Granted X Keppel 11-178X: (Jealous Guy x Rubenesque)
14.00 14.0 USD
MAGIC RING (K. Keppel ’20)
TB Early-mid 36" (91cm)
Bright golden yellow standards; Falls light yellow ground paling to white in center and a deep wine-red band. Very showy in the garden!
12.00 12.0 USD
MAGIC TRICK (T. Johnson ’19)
TB Midseason-Late 34” (86cm)
Cocoa pink S with darker pink veining. Falls are deeper cocoa pink with darker veining and a light cocoa pink edge. What really makes this one stand out are the large Cocoa pink beards that are frosted white on the tips. A nicely ruffled uniquely colored creation. Very distinctive and pretty.
Sdlg. TH33C: Sib to Fairytale Romance.
12.00 12.0 USD
MAKING A SCENE (T. Johnson ’20)
TB Midseason 35” (89cm)
Icy white standards with green veining up the midrib. Falls are white with gold veined hafts and gold and purple blended veins on either side of the beard. Then there is almost a complete white bar across the falls which transitions into purple lines and wash and finally a light lemon edge. A very complex color pattern indeed. Even the beard is different. The hairs are white at the base then orange and finally red at the tips. Nice branching and strong growth and 8 buds. A favorite seedling of mine for the last few years. Very distinctive and won’t be confused with anything else.
12.00 12.0 USD
MARRY THE NIGHT (T. Johnson ’17)
TB Early 32” (81cm)
Near solid, very dark purple standards and deep fall band and haft bar on pristine white falls. Showy old gold beards make a statement. Moderate sized flowers are heavily ruffled on wonderful show stalks with lots of buds. Very showy. Gorgeous form!
TB Award of Merit 2021
Sdlg TF77D: Sib to Locomotion.
12.00 12.0 USD
TB Early 32” (81cm)
You’ll be drawn again and again to this beautifully formed dark purple and white plicata. Bright white fall centers contrasted with purple black shaded plic bands draw your eye from any distractions. Unique dark purple beards are topped dark old gold. Well-branched stalks have 9-14 buds. Excellent growth. ‘Midnight Velvet’ creates a showy clump you won’t soon forget.
Sdlg. TC175B: (Blackberry Tease x Tuscan Summer pod parent sib) X (High Master x Blackberry Tease)
12.00 12.0 USD
MINDBLOWING (T. Johnson ’20)
TB Early 32” (81cm)
Brilliant golden yellow Standards. Falls are oxblood red with a wide mustard gold band and then a red wire edge. Extremely bright, almost shocking color combination! Very early to bloom on good stems with 8 buds. The falls remind me more of the spot pattern found in SDBs. FUN!!
12.00 12.0 USD
TB Mid 35” (89cm)
A superb show Iris with an average of 12 buds. The standards are lemon blending to lemon cream at midribs and at the base. Falls are creamy white with1/8” edge of lemon and the reverse of the falls is lemon yellow, showing well on the ruffles. Gold hafts. Beards are white tipped lemon. Fertile and a great parent. Some magic coming from Magical. Sister to Lemon Delicious.
Sdlg No. X173-C ((Keppel 07-68B: (04-49A: Silk Road sib x (99-206A: Proposal x (Blyth: F175-1: Man About Town x (Poetess sib))) x (Keppel 04-44A: (99-208B: Proposal x (Blyth F119-3: Act Three x (D61-2: Poetess sib)) x House Afire) X Magical).
12.00 12.0 USD
MOONGLINT (Keppel ’20)
TB Early-mid 35” (89cm)
Medium lavender blue standards with lighter edge; Falls deep lavender blue with a lighter edge and white luminata patch surrounding yellow beards.