Sharp Dressed Man
10.00 10.00 10.0 USD
TB Early Midseason 36” (91cm)
He’s tall, dark and handsome and draws the eye of anyone walking by. Only the finest clothes will do for this Sharp Dressed Man. Standards are iridescent mid purple. Elegantly ruffled purple black falls have a velvety texture and slightly lighter rim. Only someone so confident could get by with such an outrageous orange tie. Show stalks with 3-4 branches and 10-12 buds help insure a superior garden performance. Robust, healthy growth. Colors are exceptionally clear.
Sdlg. TZ58A: Paul Black X Saturn. A fantastic iris that blooms heavily with show stalks galore and is consistently good year to year. Wister Medal; First runner up to the Dykes 2017.
Stock Available
Raven Girl
10.00 10.00 10.0 USD
RAVEN GIRL (Schreiner '08)
TB Late Midseason 39" (99 cm)
Big, ruffled jet black with satiny sheen. Black purple beards. Strong show stalks.
Stock Available
Adriatic Waves
10.00 10.00 10.0 USD
ADRIATIC WAVES (K. Keppel '09)
TB Mid 40" (102 cm)
Near-cornflower blue standards. Satiny violet blue falls. Beards white tipped lemon, pale blue at end. Heavily ruffled.
Ink Patterns
10.00 10.00 10.0 USD
INK PATTERNS (T.Johnson '07)
TB Late Midseason 36" (91 cm)
Exuberantly ruffled white flowers have indelible inky blue stitched plicata bands around falls. Standards have wide washed and stitched plicata bands with dotting inside them and lines up midribs. Styles are wonderfully contrasted, inky, dark indigo. A clump of INK PATTERNS in the garden is unforgettable. It is sure to catch the judge's eye at shows. Wister Medal 2013. Runner up to the Dykes.
Sdlg. TW81B: American Classic X Royal Estate.
Stock Available
I'm Back
10.00 10.00 10.0 USD
I'M BACK (T.Johnson '07)
TB Midseason 34" (86 cm)
I'M BACK sets a new standard for form and color in reblooming irises. Not only will you love seeing it the first time, you'll long for it to return, and it will. Standards are medium lilac with rich dusty rose centers and along upper margins which are covered with a fine network of burgundy veins. Styles are dusty rose with crests veined dark burgundy. Falls are velvety black-cherry with paler rims and adorned with dark root beer beards. Each flower is well-formed and elegantly ruffled.
Sdlg. TU7A: Brazilian Holiday X Romantic Evening
Stock Available
Aime Bay
11.00 11.00 11.0 USD
AIME BAY (S. Boivin ’15)
TB Early-mid 41” (104cm)
Standards light yellow. Falls dark pink violet blending to a light yellow edge. Strong and imposing!! From my friend Stephane Boivin in France.
Hold Me Now
11.00 11.00 11.0 USD
HOLD ME NOW (T. Johnson ’16)
TB Late 35” (98cm)
‘Hold Me Now’ has amazing dark violet blue beards with just a brushing of chocolate over their tops. They are a colorful contrast to the mid pink standards and opaque pearl white falls that have darker pink hafts and lighter pink bands. Show stalks have ample buds to make a long bloom season. It is being used in hybridizing extensively for blue bearded pinks.
Sdlg TD120A: Sib to One Last Kiss.
11.00 11.00 11.0 USD
VOULEZ-VOUS (T.Johnson ‘15)
TB Midseason-Late 34” (86cm)
If you’re a connoisseur of flat irises, then you’re going to love ‘Voulez-Vous’. Six consistently flat falls are lavender with a darker maroon wash and darker texture veins. There are no standards. Buffy peach styles create pretty contrast in their centers. Growth is strong and vigorous. Show stalks are the norm. Large blooms have been consistently flat over 6 years of evaluation. It should be an easy winner at shows.
Sdlg. TC342D: Credentials sib X Full Disclosure
Pumpkin Pie Ala Mode
11.00 11.00 11.0 USD
TB Midseason 40” (102cm)
It is all about color! No other orange amoena comes close to its color saturation. White standards are blushed pink. Rich, dark burnt orange falls are set further ablaze with vivid orange red beards. Tall stalks have average branching with 5-6 buds. Universally admired by garden visitors, all who would love to have taken a piece home.
Sdlg. TC329A: Ginger Ice X (Oratorio x (Diabolique x Stop Flirting))
11.00 11.00 11.0 USD
CORALINA (T.Johnson ‘14)
TB Midseason 34” (86cm)
Frothy, heavily ruffled and laced mid peach blend with fall centers several shades lighter. Soft brownish orange beards blend perfectly with this demure creation. Note the abundance of bloom and show stalks in the picture.
TB Award of Merit 2021
Sdlg. TB135A: Blyth O256-B, involved seedlings X Eye for Style
11.00 11.00 11.0 USD
BERSERK (T.Johnson ‘14)
TB Midseason 30” (76cm)
Falls of big white, heavily ruffled blooms are wildly patterned over their centers with closely spaced networks of lines and veins, becoming a heavier wash toward lower edges. Light tangerine beards are a pleasing accent. Nicely branched stalks have 7 buds.
Sdlg. TC341A: Hysteria X Blyth O201-A: (Let’s Romp sib x Mango Daiquiri sib)
11.00 11.00 11.0 USD
ELEGANZA (T.Johnson ‘14)
TB Midseason-Late 35” (89cm)
Elegant it is. Prominent midribs of heavily ruffled white standards are flushed pink and blended outward. Hafts and edges of chalky white falls are touched pink. Strong show stalks insure it a place on the “Queen’s Court”. Fast increase and free bloom insure there’ll be plenty of them.
Sdlg. TC316A: (Sirocco Mist x Dinner Talk) X For the Soul
Bluebird Of Happiness
11.00 11.00 11.0 USD
TB Midseason-Very Late 45”(114 cm)
The entrancing song of this little bluebird will put a smile on your face and a song in your heart. These classically styled, near-perfectly formed flowers are supported by strong show stalks having 3 branches and 8-9 buds. Plants are quite disease resistant and growth is strong and vigorous.
Sdlg. P218B: Blue Rising sib X Paul Black
Circle Of Light
11.00 11.00 11.0 USD
CIRCLE OF LIGHT (P. Black '09)
TB Mid-Very Late 39” (99cm)
In addition to having a gorgeous flower, Circle of Light is also a brawny garden performer. White standard centers are washed and veined mid violet blue, then blending to dark indigo and then to a bit lighter purple margins. Heavily ruffled falls are a repeat of standard color and patterning. Styles are dark indigo black. Show stalks have 3 branches and 9-10 buds. Healthy blue-green foliage is impervious to leaf spot. No pampering needed here. Strong parent for black and white plicatas.
Sdlg. N108A: (Thunder Spirit x American Classic) X Inside Track
11.00 11.00 11.0 USD
SNAPSHOT (T.Johnson '08)
TB Early-Midseason 32” (81cm)
Snapshot may be short of stature but you won’t overlook the powerful presence of its bright colors in your garden. Blazing yellow-gold standards continue as large sunbursts etched onto centers of mahogany-red falls. Mahogany veins radiate over sunbursts. Zingy gold beards amplify the sunburst effect. Growth is strong and robust. Stalks have two branches and 7 buds.
WISTER MEDAL; Runner up to the Dykes '16 and '17.
Sdlg. TW6C: Bold Vision X Next Millennium.
Stock Available
Having A Party
12.00 12.00 12.0 USD
HAVING A PARTY (T. Johnson '14)
TB Early 38" (97cm)
White with big bold blended red grape fall spot over lower two thirds.
Lynette Blue
12.00 12.00 12.0 USD
LYNETTE BLUE (T. Johnson '09)
Late 36"
Big, abundantly ruffled mid blue with near white beards. Superb show stems.
12.00 12.00 12.0 USD
TB late midseason 33" (84 cm)
Golden yellow Standards flushed slightly with burgundy. Falls super clean burgundy red. Beautiful ruffles and stems.
Stock Available
Gossamer Veil
12.00 12.00 12.0 USD
GOSSAMER VEIL (K. Keppel ’19)
TB Mid-Late 38" (97 cm)
Buff peach standards. Falls are a blended peach and lavender. Scarlet vermilion beards. Big nicely ruffled flowers with nice form.
Wind Beneath My Wings
12.00 12.00 12.0 USD
TB Midseason-Late 33” (84cm)
What a beauty she is as she takes flight. Standards of heavily ruffled blooms are shaded light pink and are edged with ivory lace. Wide falls are light buff peach with darker veins and ivory laced edges. Burnt orange beards are an interesting contrast. Strong show stalks have 3 branches and 7-8 buds.
Sdlg. X28B: Haunted Heart X U73C: (Photogenic x O210B, Always Lovely sib)