• Arilbred
  • Border Bearded
  • Intermediate Bearded
  • Lynda Miller Median And Dwarf Introductions
  • Lynda Miller TB Introductions
  • Miniature Dwarf Bearded
  • Miniature Tall Bearded
  • Paul Black TB Introductions
  • Paul Black Median And Dwarf Introductions
  • Standard Dwarf Bearded
  • Tall Bearded
  • Thomas Johnson Median And Dwarf Introductions
  • Thomas Johnson TB Introductions
12.00 12.0 USD
BLACK HOLE (P. Black ‘19)
TB Midseason-Late 37” (94cm)
Tall, well- branched sultry purple black bitone with black styles and purple black beards. Strong healthy growth with plenty of increase.
Sdlg. X34C: Raven Girl X T96B: (Wicked Good x Laughing Clown sib)
12.00 12.0 USD
ONE MAN’S ART (B. Blyth ‘19)
TB Early-Mid 35” (89cm)
A stunning color combination. The standards are creamy beige and falls are dusky rose with soft lemon overlay around the burnt tango beards and a 1/4” edge of beige finish it off. Standards are slightly open but firm. Show stems and very fertile. Love this and want to see the seedlings from this Iris.
Sdlg No. Y58-1 (W72-4: Hello Beautiful x (Italian Master sib x ((Enjoy the Party x Kathleen Kay Nelson) x Calling)) X U239-4: Painted Words sib)
12.00 12.0 USD
TB Mid 35” (89cm)
A superb show Iris with an average of 12 buds. The standards are lemon blending to lemon cream at midribs and at the base. Falls are creamy white with1/8” edge of lemon and the reverse of the falls is lemon yellow, showing well on the ruffles. Gold hafts. Beards are white tipped lemon. Fertile and a great parent. Some magic coming from Magical. Sister to Lemon Delicious.
Sdlg No. X173-C ((Keppel 07-68B: (04-49A: Silk Road sib x (99-206A: Proposal x (Blyth: F175-1: Man About Town x (Poetess sib))) x (Keppel 04-44A: (99-208B: Proposal x (Blyth F119-3: Act Three x (D61-2: Poetess sib)) x House Afire) X Magical).
12.00 12.0 USD
GEM TRADER (B. Blyth ‘19)
TB Early-Mid 35” (89cm)
A delightful mix of colors. The standards are soft lilac with a blended 1/4” edge of buff pink and flush at the midribs. The falls are light burgundy, lightning at the beards and set off with a well-defined 1/4” edge of muted gold. Beards are soft old gold. Flowers are ruffled and wide and there are plenty of buds with some show stems. Just a slight perfume.
Sdlg No. Y63-2 Bring Me Diamonds X Handful of Magic.
12.00 12.0 USD
TB Mid 35” (91cm)
When working with bicolors and amoenas, neglectas are so often encountered and usually dismissed as just another neglecta. This one however defies that perception. It is so captivating when you see it in the garden. The standards are lavender-lilac and the falls are rich violet with a well-defined 3/8” edge of lavender. Beards are burnt tangerine. Wide overlapping falls, ruffles showing quite a bit of lace. Well branched with show stems and fertile. Super.
Sdlg No. Y54-2 (Thrillionaire x unknown) X Organza
12.00 12.0 USD
YOUR’RE THE ONE (T. Johnson ’19)
TB Late 38” (97cm)
Sweetly scented. We have been working on blue bearded pinks for quite some time. Continually working on getting the beard a more saturated blue. We really like YOU’RE THE ONE. Standards are a light lavender pink. Falls are a very light pink to almost white, deepening to a light pink rim. Beards are coral pink in the throat and frosted lavender at the end. Strong growth on nice show stems carrying 9 buds. Beautiful and elegant!!
Sdlg. TH127A: Hold Me Now X Those Violet Eyes.
12.00 12.0 USD
TRENDING (T. Johnson ’19)
TB Midseason 37” (94cm)
A difficult blending of colors to describe. Standards are eggshell white with opal pink blushed centers. Falls are Lavender with an eggshell rim. What really sets this off is the beard. The beard is violet with orange hair tips becoming more solid dark blue to violet at the end. Gorgeous form on nice show stems compete the effect. We love this iris!!
Sdlg. TH5A: Note to God X Haunted Heart.
12.00 12.0 USD
TB Midseason 37” (94cm)
Sweet fragrance. We look forward to TIMELESS TREASURE to bloom each year. It always puts on such a show. Moderately sized more tailored flowers are borne in profusion with a more open clump effect. This allows the viewing of each individual flower yet still giving a visual mass of color. A unique and bright color with pink Standards over lavender falls with a deeper lavender waterfall pattern that extends from the beard to a pink fall border. We Like!!
Sdlg. TH7A: Silk Road X Repertoire.
12.00 12.0 USD
TB Midseason 34” (86cm)
Sweetly scented. A very unusual color pattern. I have found that it is a love it or hate it Iris with visitors. I love it but it is a bit gaudy for some. Clear butter yellow Standards sit atop yellow falls with a heavy maroon wash in a bit of a segmented broken color pattern. Very unique and different.
Sdlg. TG374ZZ: Cosmic Melody X Unknown (unreadable faded tag).
12.00 12.0 USD
STITCHES (T. Johnson ’19)
TB Mid-Late 36” (91cm)
Sweet fragrance. Light yellow standards with a very narrow darker plicata stitched edge. Falls are white with a narrow purple stitched edge and short purple lines on either side of fuzzy mustard beards. Coming from parents carrying the plicata gene but not plicata themselves adds a bit more genetic diversity to the pattern. A nice clean pattern that is proving to be a garden favorite. Good growth and heavy substance flowers on strong stems carrying up to 10 buds.
Sdlg. TGH58A: Stole the Show X (TD 334YY: Nothing but Class X Sib to Cameo Minx).
12.00 12.0 USD
SHADOW BANDS (T. Johnson ’19)
TB Early-Midseason 36” (91cm)
Sweetly scented. Milk glass white standards are heavily infused lemon yellow in the center. Falls are a plush burgundy with a yellow sunburst flash in the center around the yellow orange beards. Very flashy and a vigorous grower with lots of bloom on strong stems carrying up to 11 buds. Nice!!
Sdlg. TH83A: Risk Taker X Sib to Hard to Resist
12.00 12.0 USD
SECRET PAST (T. Johnson ’19)
TB Late 35” (89cm)
Sweetly scented. Buff gold standards over Medium blue to violet falls. Nicely ruffled standards with a more “pleated” ruffled falls. Nice stems carry 9 buds. A nice end of the season bicolor.
Sdlg. TH147C: Hard to Resist X (TC380B: First Avenue x Catwalk)
12.00 12.0 USD
PHOTO SHOOT (T. Johnson ’19)
TB Midseason-Late 36” (91cm)
A super clean and sharp pattern really makes PHOTO SHOOT stand out with its pristine white ground and precise blue to violet dotting around both the standards and falls. A dark violet black bar across the hafts and deep purple style arms add to the drama. Even the beards add a bit of mystery being yellow in the throat then becoming lighter with violet tips. Super nice ruffled form completes the package. Not just another purple plicata!
Sdlg. TH156B: ((TE11A: Circle of Light x TC343A: Sib. to Hysteria x Danger Money)) X TD314ZZ: (Blyth O211-A: Ostentatious x (G48-5: Burst x Epicenter)) x Ring Around Rosie x Blyth R41-6: Sib. to Stay Stylish Pollen Parent.
Stock Available
12.00 12.0 USD
PERIHELION PASS (T. Johnson ’19)
TB Midseason 36” (91cm)
Cream standards are flushed and veined lemon yellow. Falls have large butter yellow sunburst around beard and is surrounded by a wide rust red band with slightly lighter rim. Excellent grower and prolific bloomer with strong stalks carrying 9 buds. A gorgeous garden iris.
Sdlg. TH18J: Pop Idol X Sib. to Hard to Resist.
12.00 12.0 USD
MAGIC TRICK (T. Johnson ’19)
TB Midseason-Late 34” (86cm)
Cocoa pink S with darker pink veining. Falls are deeper cocoa pink with darker veining and a light cocoa pink edge. What really makes this one stand out are the large Cocoa pink beards that are frosted white on the tips. A nicely ruffled uniquely colored creation. Very distinctive and pretty.
Sdlg. TH33C: Sib to Fairytale Romance.
12.00 12.0 USD
TB Midseason-Late 37” (94cm)
Slight fragrance. LEAVE ME BREATHLESS is exactly what happened when I first laid eyes on this one when it bloomed as a seedling for me the first time. I remember gasping when I got down to the end of the row and saw it. Large showy flowers scream LOOK AT ME! A very fun pattern indeed I am going to let the picture do the talking as far the color is concerned. Nice well branched stems carry 9 buds. A favorite that never fails to delight.
Sdlg. TG160ZZ: Read Between the Lines X TC339A: ((Hysteria x Blyth O201A): (Lets Romp sib. x Mango Daiquiri sib.))
12.00 12.0 USD
LAVENDER BREEZE (T. Johnson ’19)
TB Early 36” (91cm)
Sweetly scented. Rich lavender blue standards. Falls are lavender blue with deeper lavender veins extending to a medium lavender diffused band then encircled by a light lavender wire rim. Gorgeous full ruffled form with great stems and buds. Looks mighty fine in a clump. A good strong grower and very floriferous.
Sdlg. TH13B: Sib to Arabian Treasure.
12.00 12.0 USD
LATEST FASHION (T. Johnson ’19)
TB Early-Midseason 37” (94cm)
Lovely blue white Standards are infused pink in the center. Falls are ruffled salmon pink with a lighter central area below violet tipped orange beards. Latest Fashion has good strong stems carrying 8 buds. A beautiful iris that is much admired!!
Sdlg. TH143A: TD357ZZ: (Head over Heels sib. x Sudden Bliss) X TD139A: (Rasputin x Blyth O227A: (I’m Dreaming sib. x L159-2: (J219-1: (Enjoy the Party x F160-1: (D46-1, Arabian Story sib. x Cast a Spell)) x G63-B, Mandarin Morning sib.)))
12.00 12.0 USD
HEAR ME ROAR (T. Johnson ’19)
TB Midseason 37” (94cm)
Lemon yellow standards and edge on rich mahogany falls. Very rich smooth colors with nice ruffling on good stems carrying 8 to 9 buds. The ruffled falls show the petal reverse which is yellow adding to the effect. A very loud distinct color separation. Hear me Roar is a sib to Autumn Tease.
Sdlg TH68A: Seasons In The Sun X Risk Taker
12.00 12.0 USD
GIRL LIKE YOU (T. Johnson ’19)
TB Late 29” (74cm)
On the shorter side, GIRL LIKE YOU is a very ruffled and lightly laced rich salmon to orange self with a small white flash below fully saturated red orange beards. Nicely branched show stems are produced in profusion making quite a lovely garden show near the end of the season. Very rich and pretty!!
Sdlg TG185ZZ: Abiding Love X Coralina