• Arilbred
  • Border Bearded
  • Intermediate Bearded
  • Lynda Miller Median And Dwarf Introductions
  • Lynda Miller TB Introductions
  • Miniature Dwarf Bearded
  • Miniature Tall Bearded
  • Paul Black TB Introductions
  • Paul Black Median And Dwarf Introductions
  • Standard Dwarf Bearded
  • Tall Bearded
  • Thomas Johnson Median And Dwarf Introductions
  • Thomas Johnson TB Introductions
24.00 24.0 USD
TB Midseason-Very Late 36” (91cm)
Slight musky fragrance It is a night you’ll long remember. Classically formed, ruffled and lightly laced purple black flowers have standards with white sanded veins over their centers that show their plicata heritage. White fall hafts have closely spaced purple black lines and sanded veins transitioning to velvety purple black falls. Butterscotch beards turn to white climaxing in a white shooting star dart for a dramatic accent. It has a stunning presence even before opening. Bud reverses have chartreuse haft centers streaking into white center bands then white veins streaking into dark purple outer bands. It is an awesome look. Sturdy growth produces 4 well-spaced branches but only 7 buds. As if this wasn’t enough, it has been a mystery progenitor of many broken color plicatas. There is nothing in the parentage to suggest this trait. I’m still exploring its potential. In one cross, about a third of the seedlings looked like it, a third were standard plicata types and a third were broken color plicatas. There is much to be explored!
Sdlg. Y161A: Me and My Shadow X Black V159B, Pleasure’s All Mine sib
24.00 24.0 USD
TB Early-Midseason 30” (76cm)
No fragrance. These early bright blooming clumps will get you pumped up for the coming bloom season. Peach pink standards blend to buttery peach margins. Mid peach falls blend darker toward edges and have widely spaced dark purple veins overall. Fat vivid orange beards keep your heart pounding. Myriads of show stalks have 3 branches and 7-8 buds.
Sdlg. Z43W: Will You Be Mine X V78A: (R76D: (Opening Number x M29DD: (Ransom Note x What’s My Line)) x R108B: (N121AA: (City of Gold x Snowed In) x One of a Kind))
24.00 24.0 USD
SUGARBABY (T. Johnson ’22)
TB Late 38” (97cm)
Sweet fragrance. Steely orchid lavender self with slightly darker standards and a lighter area below the white tipped beard. Sugarbaby exudes elegance with very wide, rounded and heavily ruffled form and smooth clean color, it has a finish that nearly glows. Super strong growth with gorgeous stems and buds that simply add to the beauty. Sdlg TJ106XX: sister to One Step Closer.
24.00 24.0 USD
SENDING LOVE (Thomas Johnson ’22)
TB Early-Midseason 36” (91cm)
Slight sweet fragrance. Cream standards with solid peach pink centers that radiate into peach veining towards the edges. Falls are flamingo pink with light yellow blending and tangerine beards. Very vigorous growth and an abundance of well budded stalks make for a long flowering period. Colorful and bright!!
Sdlg TI222A: sib to Walk Right Back.
24.00 24.0 USD
I WRITE THE SONGS (Thomas Johnson ’22)
TB Late 36” (91cm)
Slight sweet fragrance. Lavender pink standards are flushed flesh pink in the center. Falls are a lighter lavender pink with a faint pink band. Big bushy blue beards with frosted white hair tips. Very nice classical form with good ruffles. Nicely branched stems with good bud count. One of the deepest blue beards we have achieved thus far on a pink iris. Now if we can just hold that beard color and turn the petals a flamingo pink!! There is always something to shoot for!!
Sdlg TK155A: Simply Fabulous X unknown, illegible tag.
24.00 24.0 USD
FOOLISH GIRL (Thomas Johnson ’22)
TB Midseason-Late 38” (97cm)
Sweet fragrance. Flesh pink standards that are more pink in the centers and more peach on the edges. Falls are light lavender with and darker lavender center wash that extends from the red-orange beard to the petal edge. Hafts are touched peach. The fall is then banded with a warm flesh pink. Very ruffled with nicely branched stems and good bud count. A strong and gorgeous performer with an extended bloom period.
Sdlg TJ120ZZ: Highly Classified X Dancing Days.
24.00 24.0 USD
FESTIVAL OF LIGHTS (Thomas Johnson ’22)
TB Midseason 33” (84cm)
Slight fragrance. Emphasis here is on the width and size of the flowers coming from its father, Hard to Resist. Yellow standards are edged in cream. Falls are yellow with a very wide violet border. Nicely branched show stems carry 8 buds. This one will not be overlooked in the garden. There are several sisters being introduced from this cross. Truly stunning!!
Sdlg TK199A: Shadow Bands X Hard to Resist.
24.00 24.0 USD
CASTING CALL (Thomas Johnson ’22)
TB Midseason 36” (91cm)
Sweet fragrance. White standards with slight lavender blush at base. Medium lavender blue falls with lighter wash in the center becoming deeper at the edge. Rather large bushy beards tangerine leaning towards red. Nicely formed, heavily ruffled, and lightly laced flowers are held on well branched and budded stems. Beautiful in the garden and a favorite since its maiden bloom.
Sdlg TI100A: sib to Watercolor Print X ((Hysteria x Blyth 0201-A: (Let’s Romp sib x Mango Daiquiri sib)) x ((Wild Angel sib x Whispering Spirits)) X Dinner Talk)
24.00 24.0 USD
CASH AND CARRY (Thomas Johnson ’22)
TB Midseason 36” (91cm) Rebloomer
Sweet fragrance. White standards with a light lemon-yellow flush up the midribs. Falls are white with an irregular dark lavender blue band. Lemon-yellow hafts shine brightly on either side of yellow-orange beards. Cash and Carry forms large clumps very quickly that cover themselves in bloom. Nicely formed flowers are held on consistent show stems carrying tens buds. A clump of Cash and Carry is simply amazing! Reliable fall rebloom!
Sdlg TK77F: Hard To Resist X What A Feeling
24.00 24.0 USD
VIVACITY (B. Blyth ‘22)
TB Midseason-Late 37” (94cm)
No fragrance. We have loved this since its opening bloom. An amoena plicata. White standards. White styles, with blue behind the anthers. The falls are pure white with1/4” mid blue plicata stitched edge and deeper blue violet hafts, reaching across to the white based, tipped yellow beards. Gorgeous balanced ruffled form. Fertile.
Sdlg A163-1: Beside Myself X Love’s Edge sib.
24.00 24.0 USD
SUNSET LODGE (Blyth ‘22)
TB Early-Midseason-Late 38” (97cm)
Slight sweet fragrance. A complete self of reddish brown, wide, flared and lightly ruffled. Beards are yellow over white. Lovely branching and an easy grower. Can rebloom in warmer climates. Very fertile.
Sdlg Z110-B: Last Kiss Goodnight sib X (Gathering Light x Infatuate) x (((I'm Dreaming sib x Platinum Class sib) x Treasure Trader) x Megarich sib)).
24.00 24.0 USD
TB Midseason 38” (97cm)
Sweet fragrance. A plicata that really has to be looked at to be appreciated. Standards have a cream base, shaded with tan brown dots and fine veining. Falls rich chocolate veining and shading over yellow. The petal edges are solid brown. Beards are yellow tipped brown. Fertility untried.
Sdlg Z22-1: (Keppel 10-25A: Reckless Abandon x Sorbonne) X Dark Energy.
25.00 25.0 USD
SUNDOWN GLOW (Keppel ’22)
Midseason 38” (97cm)
S have a light orange base with a purple center wash. Falls have a cream ground with darker purple wash and light orange edge. Cream patch around beards has a light orange blush on either side.
25.00 25.0 USD
STORMSCAPE (Keppel ’22)
Midseason 36” (91.5cm)
A different sort of color. Orangey brown standards with violet centers. Lighter fall with burnt orange bds.
25.00 25.0 USD
TO TOO TWO (P. Black '22)
TB Midseason-Late 33” (84cm)
Slight sweet fragrance. Unlike the English language, these alluring uncomplicated flowers need no explanation; they are simply beautiful. Raspberry rose standards color is repeated in a blended band around cream to light peach falls. Orange beards provide a pointed accent. Makes a more subtle statement in the landscape.
Sdlg. Z119C: Black V160G (Black S158A, Like a Breeze pod parent x Enough is Enough) X Time Out
25.00 25.0 USD
TB Early-Midseason 30” (76cm)
Blue-green and white variegated foliage in itself is relatively rare but then add purple base foliage and it becomes something quite exceptional. It is also one of the more stable variegated foliage types. Flower color is variable ranging from brownish plum to red violet with some flowers having large broken color segments of both. Flowers on some stalks are quite uniform for color while others are more varied. White hafts are veined and mottled auburn. Variegated stalks have 3 branches and 7-9 buds.
Sdlg. X95B: Variegated Wonder X Black N128A: (Cool Confidence x J22A: *variegated foliage sport* (Crazy for You x Distant Roads))
25.00 25.0 USD
TB Early-Midseason 33” (84cm)
Slight musky fragrance. Few people can resist its brilliant color that makes a strong statement in the garden. Clear pink standard centers blend to rich medium orange. Mid orange falls have a marked gold undertone that showcases the vivid orange beards. Three branches produce 7-8 buds.
Sdlg. X20B, Bring on the Bright sib
25.00 25.0 USD
ESSENCE OF BEAUTY (Paul Black '22)
TB Early-Midseason 33” (84cm)
No fragrance. Ooh la la, all those undulating ruffles and vivid apricot, orange and pink blending decorated with even darker bold orange beards. All this lusciousness is carried on strong stalks having 3 branches and 8-9 buds. For those breeding broken color sorts, this one has B/Cs on both sides of the parentage.
Sdlg. X113B: Big Break X Black U22B: ((Magical Glow x Impulsive) x Black R170C, Simply Coral sib)
25.00 25.0 USD
CROCODILE SMILE (Paul Black '22)
TB Late-Very Late 35” (89cm)
Pronounced sweet fragrance If I could have only one of my plicatas to breed with, it would be this one. Its genetic diversity, including several instances of ‘Dolce’ plus SDBs, IBs, tet MTBs, BBs and TBs, has given rise to unique colors and patterns in addition to solid growth. White ground standards are washed pale mustard becoming darker toward edges then embellished with darker mustard fine veining overall and white edges. Yellow styles are held within strongly held standards. Expansive white ground falls are widely plicata banded dark olive gold with more olive random dotting and line down centers, over centers and haft. Unique olive gold beards complete this unusual creature. Three branches have 7-8 buds.
Sdlg. Y55A: Black U14A, Drag Race pod parent X Black W191A, Black Label pollen parent
25.00 25.0 USD
TB Midseason-Late 32” (81cm)
No fragrance Breeding for a pure white with dark blue beard TBs has been the pursuit of many hybridizers and one that has yet to be accomplished. The link between beard saturation and petal color has been near impossible to break. The darker the beard, the bluer the petals. The whiter the petals, the lighter the beard becomes. ‘Caterpillar Blues’ is a very light reverse blue amoena with a darker blue beard. Disease resistant foliage and durable plants produce plenty of bloom stalks with 3 branches and 6-7 buds.
Sdlg. Y96A: Black V59C: (After the Rain x Black is Black) X U50A: (After the Rain x S110D: (N193A, Blue Trill sib x Blue Trill))