• Arilbred
  • Border Bearded
  • Intermediate Bearded
  • Lynda Miller Median And Dwarf Introductions
  • Lynda Miller TB Introductions
  • Miniature Dwarf Bearded
  • Miniature Tall Bearded
  • Paul Black TB Introductions
  • Paul Black Median And Dwarf Introductions
  • Standard Dwarf Bearded
  • Tall Bearded
  • Thomas Johnson Median And Dwarf Introductions
  • Thomas Johnson TB Introductions
13.00 13.0 USD
GRAPE MOON (Paul Black '22)
SDB Early-Midseason 15” (38cm)
Slight sweet fragrance. Light pink standards top peachy pink falls adorned with half-moon slate violet spots and light apricot hafts then finished with peachy tangerine beards.
Sdlg. Z205G: Black V279A: (Black S289D, Oh So Sweet sib x Riveting) X Black X255 sib: (Pawn x involved)
13.00 13.0 USD
HAPPY FEET (Paul Black '22)
SDB Midseason-Late 15” (38cm)
No fragrance. Well-formed mid yellow flowers are made special by the white styles and white center stripes drawn through fall centers. Burnt orange beards end in lavender.
Sdlg. AA235A: Black X265C: (Gate To Paradise x involved) X Little Bit Of Lace
15.00 15.0 USD
HAPPY PLACE (T. Johnson ’23)
SDB Early 14” (36cm)
Slight fragrance. Happy Place got its name based on its cheery nature. It is just such a happy iris that makes me smile. Brilliant canary yellow self with a white line extending below the large bushy white beards. The falls are slightly darker yellow in the center. Very bright and a favorite. Sdlg. TK283A: Hit The Jackpot pod parent X Ribbit pollen parent.
15.00 15.0 USD
HASHTAG (T. Johnson ’23)
SDB Early 12” (30.5cm)
Slight fragrance. Very light yellow-orange standards. Falls have a white ground that is completely lined with deep maroon red lines and veins. The hafts are touched yellow. Beards are white with tangerine hair tips. Very striking and the first lined SDB in this color that we know of. The parents of this one are the two iris named after our two little dogs. Sdlg. TM175A: Alaia X Tula.
18.00 18.0 USD
HEAT INDEX (T. Johnson ’24)
SDB Early 12” (31cm)
Slight sweet fragrance. Hot indeed. This flower is literally on fire! A gorgeous red purple bitone with a deeper fall spot. The large intensely saturated orange beards are the icing on top. Quality! Sdlg. TL295B: Prego X Roaring Fire
10.00 10.0 USD
HERE AND THERE (T. Johnson ’21)
SDB Early 12” (30.5cm)
Light lemon yellow standards. Falls have light lemon ground overlaid with a rust red plicata wash. Very clean and charming.
Sdlg TK268A: Unwritten X Alaia.
18.00 18.0 USD
HEY BABE (T. Johnson ’24)
SDB Midseason 12” (31cm)
Sweet fragrance. Orange standards with pink infusions in the center. Falls have a pinkish orange base color with overall magenta dotting and veining. Beards are an intensely saturated tangerine. Nice form and strong garden impact. Another child of the fantastic parent Alaia. Sdlg. TM176WW: Alaia X Tasty Treat
10.00 10.0 USD
HEY LOOK AT ME (P. Black 21)
SDB Midseason-Late 12” (30cm)
The color demands you look. Vivid yellow gold standards flushed apricot stand open enough to reveal mid apricot styles. Burnished apricot falls blend to gold edges and are set afire with big, brilliant orange beards. Clumps scream, “Hey Look At Me”.
Sdlg. Y225B: T208B: (Mostly Sunny x Graceful) X V271A: (Orange Obsession x T219C, Meticulous pod parent sib).
10.00 10.0 USD
HIT THE JACKPOT (T. Johnson ’21)
SDB Mid 13” (33cm)
I have a bit of a fascination for beards especially on the SDBs. In my opinion the beard can make or break the flower. The large blue frosted beards on this canary yellow self definitely “make” the blooms on Hit the Jackpot. The white patch under and around the beard only adds to the contrast. Startling and beautiful in clump!!
Sdlg TK284B: ((Wit x ((Fusspot x(Stormy Circle x Neutron sib)) x Bright Note)) x Worry Wart) X pollen parent of Believe.
13.00 13.0 USD
HOLD ON TIGHT (Paul Black '22)
SDB Midseason-Light 13” (33cm)
Slight sweet fragrance. Clump power is taking off. Mid slate violet standards color is repeated in a wide band around dark grape blended falls. Tangerine beards are nestled in a nest of white rays.
Sdlg. Z228D: Black W260A: (Crank It Up x Black S320C, Mister Mistoffelees sib) X Black V279A: (Black S289D, Oh So Sweet sib x Riveting)
13.00 13.0 USD
HOOCHIE COOCHIE (Thomas Johnson ’22)
SDB Midseason 14” (36cm)
Light sweet fragrance. Medium orange standards blushed violet in the midrib. Falls have a creamy pink ground. There is a lighter area around and below the beard that becomes a band of purple dotting and then finally a gold edge. Brilliant tangerine beards top it off. Phew, what a wild and bright color combo!!
Sdlg TK270D: sister to Glitter Bomb.
10.00 10.0 USD
I DREAMED A DREAM (P. Black ‘20)
SDB Late-Very Late 15.5” (39cm)
And the dream is a very late blooming SDB with multiple branches spaced to allow all flowers to open freely. It’s now reality. Iridescent mid purple standards shine above purple black falls with white rays around burnt orange beards. Two branches plus spur have 6-7 buds. Excellent parent.
Sdlg. Y211B: long & involved
13.00 13.0 USD
I’M IN LOVE (Paul Black '22)
SDB Midseason-Late 15” (38cm)
Pronounced sweet fragrance. Yes, it was love a first sight and that hasn’t changed in its subsequent years of evaluation. It is at the top of my favorite SDBs. Bright, cheery and personable are good descriptors for it. White styles peer from inside bright yellow standards veined and toned slate violet in upper third. Bright yellow luminata patches give way to white shoulders blending to light lilac washed falls veined overall dark lilac. Two toned orange and marigold beards add fiery passion. Variable color and markings. Fabulous parent.
Sdlg. AA219A: Tourist Trap X Bazinga
10.00 10.0 USD
INTELLECT (T.Johnson ‘15)
SDB Early- Midseason 12” (30cm)
Clear mid blue with very round and wide falls. White fall zone & beard make it sparkle.
Sdlg. TD246C: Golden Ring sib X Star Of India
10.00 10.0 USD
IT’S A SMALL WORLD (P. Black ‘16)
SDB Midseason-Late 12” (30cm)
Minimal plicata. Fabulous pink styles and tangerine beards. Unique for sure!
Sdlg. U206E: Fun In The Sun X (Total Denial sib x My Cher sib)
15.00 15.0 USD
JEWEL HEIST (T. Johnson ’23)
SDB Midseason 11” (28cm)
Musky fragrance. Yet again another introduction from the fabulous parent Alaia. These colors are in neon. Standards and styles have pink centers with light orange edges. Falls have a pink ground with violet dots at haft and below beard. Fall edges blend from pink to orange. Enormous bushy red-orange beards. Incredible! Sdlg. TK293E: Alaia X Sweet Devotion.
10.00 10.0 USD
JIG (T. Johnson ’19)
SDB Midseason 12” (31cm)
White ground plicata with a near solid mulberry overlay. A little bit of the white ground shows through at the base of the standards and hafts. Mulberry styles add to the effect. 4 buds make for a long bloom season.
Sdlg. TI301A: (TG274A: Tweet x Electrifying) X Sweet Devotion
10.00 10.0 USD
JOYFUL LOVE (T.Johnson ‘14)
SDB Early 15” (38cm)
Yummy pink and peach blend. Showy clumps filled with bloom.
Sdlg. Film Star X Black O319A: involved pink seedlings.
10.00 10.0 USD
JOYOUS ONE (T. Johnson ’21)
SDB Mid 12” (30.5cm)
Very light icy blue standards. The falls are a milk glass white with deep gold thumbprint hafts that extend down the petal. Huge frosted lavender blue beards complete the combination. Super strong grower and very floriferous making a quick and showy clump.
Sdlg TJ30B: sib to Little Miss Sunshine.
18.00 18.0 USD
JUST SHOCKING (L. Miller ’24)
SDB Early-midseason 10” (25cm)
No fragrance. Intense bright coral pink with large plum purple spot and huge coral beards. Three buds! Sdlg. 1918A: Lovable Pink X (lost cross x (Fairy Jester x Pink Potion))