• Arilbred
  • Border Bearded
  • Intermediate Bearded
  • Lynda Miller Median And Dwarf Introductions
  • Lynda Miller TB Introductions
  • Miniature Dwarf Bearded
  • Miniature Tall Bearded
  • Paul Black TB Introductions
  • Paul Black Median And Dwarf Introductions
  • Standard Dwarf Bearded
  • Tall Bearded
  • Thomas Johnson Median And Dwarf Introductions
  • Thomas Johnson TB Introductions
42.00 42.0 USD
CRASH BANG (Black ’24) TB Very early 32” (81.5cm) Musky fragrance. A very smooth and brilliant variegata ensures ‘Crash Bang’ won’t be overlooked. Brilliant dark yellow standards. Falls are a dark coppery brown with a gold blaze around the beard. Well-branched stalks carry 7 buds. Nice! Sdlg. AA62M: Color Wheel X Core Values.
14.00 14.0 USD
TB Early-Late 38” (97cm)
‘Crashing Whitecaps’ is a superior iris in all respects. You’ll be glad you have it in your garden when you see its clump filled with show stalks standing tall among robust clean foliage. Cool white standards and styles color is repeated across the hafts on mid violet blue falls. Mid orange beards vie for attention. Stalks have 3 branches plus spur and 9-11 buds. A sure show winner. Sweet grape fragrance.
Sdlg. My Passion sib
18.00 18.0 USD
CRAZY CHAOS (L. Miller ’23)
MTB dip. Midseason-late 23” (58.5cm)
No fragrance. Standards are white, splashed deep violet. Falls are washed and veined violet-blue with deep violet splashes. Dark yellow beards. Up to 17 buds! Sdlg. 1118A: 2415B: (Emoji x Gesondheit) X Chocolate Fountain.
12.00 12.0 USD
CREATIVE ART (Tasco '20) (OGB-) Midseason 28" (71cm) Standards are lavender-violet with lighter gold veining. Falls are Golden buff, lighter below the large eye-lashed burgundy signal.
13.00 13.0 USD
CRISS CROSS (Thomas Johnson ’22)
SDB Midseason-Late 14” (36cm)
Sweet fragrance. Lavender blue standards. Falls the same, only with a rust overlay spray pattern with a clean lavender center belly stripe below bushy blue beards.
Sdlg TL275C: Fab Life X Antsy.
25.00 25.0 USD
CROCODILE SMILE (Paul Black '22)
TB Late-Very Late 35” (89cm)
Pronounced sweet fragrance If I could have only one of my plicatas to breed with, it would be this one. Its genetic diversity, including several instances of ‘Dolce’ plus SDBs, IBs, tet MTBs, BBs and TBs, has given rise to unique colors and patterns in addition to solid growth. White ground standards are washed pale mustard becoming darker toward edges then embellished with darker mustard fine veining overall and white edges. Yellow styles are held within strongly held standards. Expansive white ground falls are widely plicata banded dark olive gold with more olive random dotting and line down centers, over centers and haft. Unique olive gold beards complete this unusual creature. Three branches have 7-8 buds.
Sdlg. Y55A: Black U14A, Drag Race pod parent X Black W191A, Black Label pollen parent
20.00 20.0 USD
MTB Tet. Early-midseason 24” (61cm)
Spicy fragrance. Loads of sweet orchid and white plicata flowers on well-branched stalks with many buds. Sdlg: AA276E: To The Contrary X Deep In The Heart
13.00 13.0 USD

CURLY FRIES (Thomas Johnson ’22)
SDB Early 11” (28cm)
Sweet fragrance. Yellow standards. Falls have a white ground with yellow hafts and wide band. Maroon lines radiate out across the hafts and below the beard forming a pattern. The cross that produced Curly Fries was made note only for color but form. Both parents are known to transmit a nice ruffled form to its children so it seemed like a perfect marriage. Really beautiful ruffles and a bright orange beard. Very cool looking.
Sdlg TK268D: Unwritten X Alaia.
12.00 12.0 USD
CURVE BALL (T.Johnson ’18)
TB Late 36” (91cm)
Curve Ball is all about the beard. Lemon yellow standards; falls are white ground w/ a lemon overlay transitioning to a wide dark violet band. Very large tang. beards extend longer than usual down the fall. 7 buds on good stalks. Form is a bit funky but add to the appeal.
Sdlg. TG366A: Brilliant Idea X unreadable tag.
20.00 20.0 USD
CUT TO ORDER (Ghio 21) white blushed pink standards over shell pink falls.
28.00 28.0 USD
DAINTY BRIDE (P. Black '25)
SDB Late-very late 14” (35.5cm) Slight sweet fragrance.
It is another of my late blooming, multiple budded and branched SDBs. The flowers are a miniaturized version of Bride’s Halo. White flowers have narrow light yellow bands. Show stalks have three branches and 8-9 buds. Unheard of for a SDB. From two of my favorite varieties.
Sdlg. CC151F: Silver Ice X First Lady Of Spring
15.00 15.0 USD
DANCE OFF (T. Johnson ’21)
TB Mid-Late 36” (91cm)
Beige standards with violet flush up the midrib and slight gold blending at petal edges. Falls are a rich deep lavender becoming lighter at the edge. Burnt orange beards are tipped deep lavender. This is a very classy looking iris with gorgeous form and wide ruffles on show stems with ample buds. A very dependable and consistent showoff in clump. Nice!!
Sdlg: TJ117A: Sergey X All Ashore
16.00 16.0 USD
MTB Midseason-Late 24” (61cm)
No fragrance It’s vivid magenta cloak with vivid tangerine beards might lead you astray. Be careful. Nicely branched and budded stalks are tinted purple.
Sdlg. AA159A: Flirtin’ Skirts X Black Y192A: (Black U68B: (Date with Destiny x Unknown) x Night Spirit) tetraploid
10.00 10.0 USD
DANCING AROUND (T. Johnson ’17)
SDB Midseason-Late 11” (28cm)
White standards and precise band on indigo blue falls. Hafts are touched lemon. Beards yellow tipped white. Showy with 1 branch and three buds.
Sdlg: TG264A: Nine Lives X Stop And Stare
12.00 12.0 USD
DANCING ON MY OWN (T. Johnson ’20)
TB Late 36” (91.5cm)
Clear medium yellow Standards and slight haft on light lavender falls. Falls are blended heavier lavender below the beard. Petal edges are rimmed with a narrow yellow edge. Wonderful form on nice stems Carrying 10 buds. A very good strong garden iris for the late season. Quality!
Sdlg TI123B BARBARA RIDER X KK 08-58C: (Arrivederci x Silk Road)
44.00 44.0 USD
DANCING SHOES (T. Johnson ’24)
TB Midseason-late 36” (91cm)
Sweet fragrance. Standards are a deep golden yellow at the base lightening to a very light yellow at the edge. Falls are a clean mid lavender with a slight yellow blush at the hafts. The flowers are very ruffled and held proudly on well branched stems. Very beautiful in person. Amazing form! Sdlg. TK3ZZ: Barbara Rider X Espionage
40.00 40.0 USD
DANGEROUS LOVE (T. Johnson ’24)
TB Early-midseason 36” (91cm)
Sweet fragrance. Deep wine-red standards. Falls are a dark black cherry with a lighter edge and frosted orange beards. Nice stems, and a good bud count on healthy vigorous plants. Sdlg. TM75ZZ, Can’t Be Denied sibling: Night Whispers X Own The Night
20.00 20.0 USD
DARE TO BE DIFFERENT (Thomas Johnson ’22)
TB Midseason 36” (91cm)
Slight fragrance. Rich butter yellow standards. Falls have a light creamy yellow base that is a near solid patch in center becoming a lined and rayed pattern that is overlaid mid to deep violet, then the petals are etched light yellow with a purple wire rim. Nicely ruffled and pleated flowers are extremely bright and showy. Quite a unique application of color and pattern. Lovely show stems and good bud count assure it to be a contender on the show bench. A favorite since its maiden bloom.
Sdlg TK170A: Dressed To The Nines X Disco Lights.
13.00 13.0 USD
DARE YOU (Paul Black '22)
SDB Midseason-Late 14” (36cm)
Slight musky fragrance Flawless ruffled flowers are dark charcoal wine blended to slightly lighter fall borders. Richly saturated beards are purple overlaid dark sienna. So nice!
Sdlg. AA242D, Contemplate sib
12.00 12.0 USD
TB Midseason 35” (89cm)
A garden favorite from its maiden bloom and has remained so. It is a great show-off in the garden with its bold contrasting colors including bright red beards. You won’t need a name tag to know what it is. From crosses I made while in Australia.
Sdlg.TB127B: By Jeeves X (Hold My Hand x Brave Face) Wister Medal 2019