• Arilbred
  • Border Bearded
  • Intermediate Bearded
  • Lynda Miller Median And Dwarf Introductions
  • Lynda Miller TB Introductions
  • Miniature Dwarf Bearded
  • Miniature Tall Bearded
  • Paul Black TB Introductions
  • Paul Black Median And Dwarf Introductions
  • Standard Dwarf Bearded
  • Tall Bearded
  • Thomas Johnson Median And Dwarf Introductions
  • Thomas Johnson TB Introductions
13.00 13.0 USD
GLITTER BOMB (Thomas Johnson ’22)
SDB Late 13” (33cm)
Sweet fragrance. Brilliant orange standards and styles. Falls have an orange ground that is almost totally overlaid with deep maroon. Beards are saturated tangerine. A showstopper!!
Sdlg TK270F: Gottcha Good X Alaia.
13.00 13.0 USD
ALGORITHM (Paul Black '22)
SDB Early-Midseason 13” (33cm)
Pronounced sweet fragrance Paler fall centers of icy blue white flowers have fine brassy olive lines precisely surrounded on each side with lighter tan shadows. The look is captivating and as far as I know, it is the first instance of this sort of pattern.
Sdlg. AA199C: Lucky X Mini Mouse
13.00 13.0 USD
ALL NATURAL (Paul Black '22)
SDB Midseason-Late 15” (38cm
Pronounced musky fragrance Wide, ruffled and perfectly formed flowers have brassy caramel standards repeating in plicata bands around white falls. Big burnt orange beards.
Sdlg. AA179F: Bazinga X Kaching
13.00 13.0 USD
BUSY AS A BEE (Paul Black '22)
SDB Late-Very Late 15” (38cm)
Pronounced sweet fragrance It is a crazy quilt of plicata color and pattern. Butter standard centers have slate violet plic dotting and blend to wide brass-gold bands. Yellow to cream falls have descending plic marks of rust, garnet and light violet then banded brass gold.
Sdlg. I Go Crazy X Crack Me Up
13.00 13.0 USD
CHILD (Paul Black '22)
SDB Midseason-Late 14” (36cm)
Pronounced sweet fragrance ‘Child’ is the beginning of a new color pattern of pink and yellow bi-colors. Mid pink standards sit atop light yellow falls washed pale pink then decorated with half tangerine and half soft lavender beards. Very pretty.
Sdlg. AA240C: Black T255A, Festive Bow pollen parent X Platitude
13.00 13.0 USD
CONTEMPLATE (Paul Black '22)
SDB Midseason-Late 14” (36cm)
Slight musky fragrance SDB plicatas continue to evolve. ‘Contemplate’ brings reverse yellow plicatas into being. Butter standards have wide dark khaki plicata bands. White falls have plicata bands of mid violet and narrowly banded mid khaki. Unusual light blue luminata type patch on each side of beards. Can be used to create reverse bi-color plicatas.
Sdlg. AA242F: Black X277A: (Black T271H, Spring Is Here sib X Little Bit Of Lace
13.00 13.0 USD
DARE YOU (Paul Black '22)
SDB Midseason-Late 14” (36cm)
Slight musky fragrance Flawless ruffled flowers are dark charcoal wine blended to slightly lighter fall borders. Richly saturated beards are purple overlaid dark sienna. So nice!
Sdlg. AA242D, Contemplate sib
13.00 13.0 USD
EASTER CHICK (Paul Black '22)
SDB Midseason-Late 15” (38cm)
No fragrance. White luminata type patches surround striking marigold beards on this bright clear yellow-gold glaciata. What a gorgeous clump!
Sdlg. Z188A: Black V222B: (My Cher x involved) X Black V230C: (Black 258A, April Fanfare sib x My Cher)
13.00 13.0 USD
GRAPE MOON (Paul Black '22)
SDB Early-Midseason 15” (38cm)
Slight sweet fragrance. Light pink standards top peachy pink falls adorned with half-moon slate violet spots and light apricot hafts then finished with peachy tangerine beards.
Sdlg. Z205G: Black V279A: (Black S289D, Oh So Sweet sib x Riveting) X Black X255 sib: (Pawn x involved)
13.00 13.0 USD
HAPPY FEET (Paul Black '22)
SDB Midseason-Late 15” (38cm)
No fragrance. Well-formed mid yellow flowers are made special by the white styles and white center stripes drawn through fall centers. Burnt orange beards end in lavender.
Sdlg. AA235A: Black X265C: (Gate To Paradise x involved) X Little Bit Of Lace
13.00 13.0 USD
HOLD ON TIGHT (Paul Black '22)
SDB Midseason-Light 13” (33cm)
Slight sweet fragrance. Clump power is taking off. Mid slate violet standards color is repeated in a wide band around dark grape blended falls. Tangerine beards are nestled in a nest of white rays.
Sdlg. Z228D: Black W260A: (Crank It Up x Black S320C, Mister Mistoffelees sib) X Black V279A: (Black S289D, Oh So Sweet sib x Riveting)
13.00 13.0 USD
I’M IN LOVE (Paul Black '22)
SDB Midseason-Late 15” (38cm)
Pronounced sweet fragrance. Yes, it was love a first sight and that hasn’t changed in its subsequent years of evaluation. It is at the top of my favorite SDBs. Bright, cheery and personable are good descriptors for it. White styles peer from inside bright yellow standards veined and toned slate violet in upper third. Bright yellow luminata patches give way to white shoulders blending to light lilac washed falls veined overall dark lilac. Two toned orange and marigold beards add fiery passion. Variable color and markings. Fabulous parent.
Sdlg. AA219A: Tourist Trap X Bazinga
13.00 13.0 USD
LILAC BLUSH (Paul Black '22)
SDB Early-Midseason 10” (25cm)
Pronounced sweet fragrance. Sweet smaller flowers have light violet blue standards and blended band around mid-lilac blended falls. Very pretty little clumps.
Sdlg. AA204C: Pooch X Breathtaking
13.00 13.0 USD
LITTLE PIGGY (Paul Black '22)
SDB Midseason-Late 14” (36cm)
Slight sweet fragrance. Fat, round, ruffled and pink, this ‘Little Piggy’ is ready to go to market. Peachy pink standards blend to butter margins. Wide mid pink falls are edged in gilt yellow and decorated with shrimp pink beards.
Sdlg. AA215A: Festive Bow X (Black Y261 sib: (Black V271A, Soft Blend pollen parent x Black V244A, Running Bare pollen parent)
13.00 13.0 USD
MY GUY (Paul Black '22)
SDB Midseason-Late 12” (30cm)
Pronounced sweet fragrance. Invite this one home to meet the parents. It has great form and color. Mid lilac plicata bands encircle butter standards. White falls have an opaque lilac wash and plum to grape plicata hafts. Big burnt orange beards end in white.
Sdlg. AA190B: Darn Cute X Look Inside
13.00 13.0 USD
RUSH TO GLORY (Paul Black '22)
SDB Midseason-Late 14” (36cm)
Pronounced spicy fragrance. Super round and ruffled flowers are mid slate violet-blue. Large maroon fall spots have irregular darted edges. Wide marigold beards are surrounded by white darts veined dark maroon. Very classy.
Sdlg. Z228E, Hold on Tight sib
13.00 13.0 USD
SASSY SALSA (Paul Black '22)
SDB Early-Midseason 13” (33cm)
Slight sweet fragrance. The dance beat is spicy hot. Amaranth pink standards have gilt gold wire rims. Dark old rose falls are banded standards color. Light peach hafts are veined mid old rose. Clumps pulse with showy personality.
Sdlg. AA211A: Black V235C: (Black R262A, Blazing Garnet pollen parent x Eye of the Tiger) X Black Y259A, New Twist sib
13.00 13.0 USD
SAY BOO (Paul Black '22)
SDB Early-Midseason 11” (28cm)
Pronounced sweet fragrance. Dark beetroot standards top dark ruby falls. Big marigold yellow beards jump out and ‘SAY BOO’. Such a cute little ghost.
Sdlg. AA202A: Mordor X Pulsator
13.00 13.0 USD
SDB Late-Very Late 15” (38cm)
Slight sweet fragrance. What shall I be? This one is ‘Slightly Confused’. Icy blue-white standards sometimes have wide light pink segments and the same for the falls. Sometimes falls are icy blue-white washed light pink overall. Showy beards are always dark violet blue.
Sdlg. AA253A: Black X303B: (Black U165C: (Black R232D, Ambiguous pollen parent x Green Oasis) x Breathtaking) X Little Bit of Lace
13.00 13.0 USD
TLC (P. Black '22)
SDB Midseason-Late 14” (36cm)
pronounced spicy fragrance You just know you’re going to get a little tender loving care from this lovable being. Ruffled pure snow-white flowers have standards with sparse red-purple plicata bands and midribs. Fall hafts are decorated with darker plicata markings. Red-purple styles focus your interest on these sparkling clumps.
Sdlg. AA199D: Algorithm sib