• Arilbred
  • Border Bearded
  • Intermediate Bearded
  • Lynda Miller Median And Dwarf Introductions
  • Lynda Miller TB Introductions
  • Miniature Dwarf Bearded
  • Miniature Tall Bearded
  • Paul Black TB Introductions
  • Paul Black Median And Dwarf Introductions
  • Standard Dwarf Bearded
  • Tall Bearded
  • Thomas Johnson Median And Dwarf Introductions
  • Thomas Johnson TB Introductions
80.00 80.0 USD
MEGASTAR (P. Black '25)
TB Midseason-late 35” (89cm) No fragrance.
This was my favorite seedling out of all of the BB year seedlings. I returned repeatedly to have another look. There is such an overwhelming amount of color and patterning that one viewing isn’t enough to take it in. It is another Crocodile Smile child, which shows its importance as a parent. Warm white standards have a wide light violet plicata outer band and a wide light khaki tan sanded and lined plicata band. Style arms are contrasting dark gold. White falls have wide dark violet to dark plum lined and sanded plicata bands. Rich brown beards are the perfect accent. Three branches produce 8-9 buds.
Sdlg. BB105P: Crocodile Smile X Z62C: (All Too Exciting x U53X, Rise Like A Phoenix sib)
80.00 80.0 USD
TB Late-very late 33” (84cm) No fragrance.
What a great end to the season this laced wonder is. Standards of mid orchid blend to rosy pink and are topped and edged with crinkled lace. Expansive falls blend from grayed white centers to rosy pink, and are also edged in lace. Colorful yet elegant. Show stalks, just in case you ever have a really late show.
Sdlg. BB7N: Catch My Breath X Soul Mate
75.00 75.0 USD
75.00 75.0 USD
TB Early-midseason 30” (76cm) Slight sweet fragrance.
Breeding for broken color irises is difficult, and even more so for variegated foliage. The presence of both in the same iris is still a rare achievement. Double Dealing meets the challenge. Variegated foliage has segments that are blue-green, grass green and white. Broken color flowers have standards of light tan-yellow with mid rosy mauve broken color segments. Falls are mid tan-gold with mid maroon sanding and dark maroon broken color segments, streaks, and splashes. Stalks have 2 branches plus spur and 8 buds.
Sdlg. BB117A: Y87A: (V24C, Cockeyed Optimist sib x W144C: (T46C: (Claim To Fame x Advantage) x T52CR: (N134AAR: (Island Coral x K113A: (Throb x I4B: (Blazing Sunrise x C17D, Vibrant sib))) x Advantage))) X Y115B, Breaking Free sib
75.00 75.0 USD
ACCENT ON COLOR (P. Black '25)
TB Midseason-late 33” (84cm) Slight sweet fragrance.
Flowers are a riot of colors and patterning from near red to maroon to indigo, in various overlays and blendings. All of this is further accented with large marigold beards. Well branched stalks have 3 branches plus spur and 9-10 buds. Unique!
Sdlg. Z127E: W60A: (Go For Broke x S116A: (Name Game x P228A: (Palace Symphony x Blyth N197-2: (Devil's Own x Fiery Temper)))) X Watercolor Print
75.00 75.0 USD
HEART SO TRUE (P. Black '25)
TB Late-very late 31” (78.5cm) Slight sweet fragrance.
If you want a BIG robust pink iris for your garden, here it is. Large flowers have mid pink standards. White falls have light pink washed hafts, band, center stripe, and widely spaced texture veins. Zingy pink beards enliven this more subtle creation. Super strong stalks have three branches plus spur and 7-8 buds.
Sdlg. Z124C: Time Out X Pink Poodle
75.00 75.0 USD
TB Midseason-late 34” (86.5cm) Slight sweet fragrance.
The disguise is a brilliant success. Who’d expect anything evil about this lavish blending of dark to mid purples adorned with an angelic near white beard. Super wide falls with lightly ruffled edges allow an unobstructed display of its alluring color. Minimal plicata marking of the standards at the midrib hint at its plicata heritage. Three well-spaced branches carry 9-10 buds.
Sdlg. DD62A: AA78B, Misplaced Dots sib X Awash In Purple
75.00 75.0 USD
ON SILKEN WINGS (P. Black '25)
TB Early-midseason 32” (81.5cm) Slight sweet fragrance.
More moderately sized flowers are presented in abundance on stalks having three branches plus spur, and spur on the lower branch, with 9-12 buds. Standards are light green-ecru as are narrow bands on pale slate blue falls. It is a lovely complement to more busily patterned flowers.
Sdlg. CC179A: Pleasure's All Mine X Z25D: (Lightly Buttered x U38C, Jungle Mist sib)
75.00 75.0 USD
TB Midseason-late 30” (76cm) Slight musky fragrance.
Moderately sized flowers and shorter stalks help keep this sunny creation upright when the weather turns cloudy and rainy. Mid-dark yellow standards are echoed in the color of the hafts, band and texture veins of the white falls. Big mid marigold beards demand you come closer. Two widely spaced branches carry 7 buds.
Sdlg. CC124H: Z137A: (W152B: (T80A: (Fantasy In Pink x Q6A: (Dearie x Drifting Bubbles)) x Multnomah Falls) x Shivaree) X Z115A: (V160B: (S158A, Like A Breeze pod parent x Enough Is Enough) x Celebration)
75.00 75.0 USD
ATHENA’S ROBE (P. Black '25)
TB Midseason-late 30” (76cm) Slight musky fragrance.
Give your garden an alluring covering with this multi-colored beauty. Solid gold standards stand proudly above mid blue-violet falls graced with harvest gold hafts and light mauve-brown distal banding. Large marigold beards ensure it won’t be lost among the others. Shorter stalks stand against strong winds and have 2 branches plus spur and 7-8 buds. Robust growth.
Sdlg. CC124B: Z137A: (W152B: (T80A: (Fantasy In Pink x Q6A: (Dearie x Drifting Bubbles)) x Multnomah Falls) x Shivaree) X Z115A: (V160B: (S158A, Like A Breeze pod parent x Enough Is Enough) x Celebration)
75.00 75.0 USD
ATLANTIC BLUE (P. Black '25)
TB Midseason-late 34” (86.5cm) Slight sweet fragrance.
This mid-dark violet-blue bitone has the impact of powerful Atlantic waves. Mid plum veins are drawn over the large white fall patch surrounding large marigold beards. Strong, well-branched stalks have 3 branches and 8-9 buds.
Sdlg. CC115D: Z114B: (V159Q, Pleasure's All Mine sib x V159O, Pleasure's All Mine sib) X Z115A: (V160B: (S158A, Like A Breeze pod parent x VO148A, Enough Is Enough sib) x Celebration)
75.00 75.0 USD
TB Midseason-late 34” (86.5cm) Slight spicy fragrance.
I’ll leave it to you to figure out which Betty and where the bounce is. Is it in her footsteps? She is elegantly appealing. Ruffled icy white standards echo the interesting white falls that are delicately washed pale blue to several shades darker toward their edges. Statuesque stalks can have 4 branches with 11-12 buds. Put some bounce in your garden.
Sdlg. CC76A: Z40B: (V67A: (R72A: (Fancy Dog x M80CC: (First Page x Man About Town)) x Blueberry Parfait) x V191D: (R174B: (Frontline x Bluebird Of Happiness) x Dancing Star)) X X1A: (Adriatic Waves x All Ashore)
75.00 75.0 USD
TB Midseason-late 33” (84cm) Slight sweet fragrance.
Well, maybe it isn’t quite as large as Tyrannosaurus Rex, but it is big and exuberantly ruffled. The standards have a small grayed light-yellow center that blends to light pewter, then to a wide light grayed brown band. Expansive falls are mid grayed yellow with mahogany hafts blended lighter to their edge. Mid old gold beards end in a short, wide, slate violet stripe. Unique it is! Excellent plant habits help create memorable clumps filled with show stalks.
Sdlg. CC71A: Stardust Evening X Espionage
75.00 75.0 USD
TB Midseason-late 33” (84cm) No fragrance.
This sibling to Calypso Joe is considerably more sedate. Mid-light yellow centers of the standards blend to mid Dijon gold. Mid-light yellow falls have light cinnamon plicata hafts, becoming narrower and lighter at the distal end. Vigorous growth and show stalks make it a desirable addition to your garden.
Sdlg. CC68C: Fantasmagorical X Z70H, Capture A Little Sun sib
75.00 75.0 USD
CALYPSO JOE (P. Black '25)
TB Midseason-late 33” (84cm) No fragrance.
Imagine loads of sun, sandy beaches, and music with a Latin beat when Calypso Joe appears in his flamboyant attire. The light butter ground of the standards is widely banded dark wine with random plicata marks over their centers. Bright mid yellow falls have dark wine hafts extending beyond the root beer beard and ending in an irregular dart. The plicata markings are wide in upper 1/3 then becoming narrow. Robust growth produces strong stalks with 3 branches and 9-10 buds. Quite a showstopper.
Sdlg. CC68A: Fantasmagorical X Z70H, Capture A Little Sun sib
75.00 75.0 USD
GLOWING MAGIC (P. Black '25)
TB Early-midseason 29” (73.5cm) Slight sweet fragrance.
This luscious glaciata is a blended medley of mid pink to peach with mid apricot hafts and bands. Glaciatas are prone to virus. So far this lovely creation has remained virus free. Strong growth produces stalks with 3 branches and 7-8 buds. An excellent parent for all types of plicatas. One of my favorite irises, with an added bonus of medians in its background.
Sdlg. CC67E: Y152B, Fantasmagorical sib X Fantasmagorical
75.00 75.0 USD
TB Midseason-late 33” (84cm) Slight musky fragrance.
This theme includes several medians and I. aphylla in the parentage. I’m excited when I can add more diversity in a cross. As I like to say, “More is more.” The blending, shades, and patterning of blue bring to mind the ever-changing skies. Standards are mid-dark blue blending to mid-light blue toward edges. Inky dark blue falls blend to wide light blue bands. Two-toned beards are a fun accent. Moderately sized flowers are carried on three branches having 9-10 buds.
Sdlg. BB161E: Y170C, Stardust Evening sib X Z145H: (V385B: (First Lady Of Spring x Silver Ice) x V168A: (Coral Splendor x Simply Coral))
75.00 75.0 USD
TB Midseason-late 36” (91.5cm) Slight sweet fragrance.
What makes this light blue bitone with falls veined darker mid-blue special? I think it is the best attempt so far to put a pink beard on a blue iris. It has been a challenge for many hybridizers. Its other special feature is the clumps filled with bloom stalks creating an overpowering display of color in the garden. To say it is floriferous is an understatement, and yet, there is plenty of increase left.
Sdlg. BB157O: Y168A: (V159M, Pleasure's All Mine sib x W113A: (S157I, Reflections Of Love sib x Multnomah Falls)) X Z114B: (V159Q, Pleasure’s All Mine sib x V159O, Pleasure’s All Mine sib)
75.00 75.0 USD
BROWN NOSE (P. Black '25)
TB Midseason-late 34” (86.5cm) Pronounced sweet fragrance.
It is all about the big ochre beard with the cute stubby slate brown horn. As for the rest of the flower, standards are light khaki tan and falls are a mid-dark charcoal red-violet blend becoming lighter to a narrow tan band. Darker veining over falls provides more interest. Three well-spaced branches plus spur produce 9-10 buds.
Sdlg. BB120N: Y93B, New Fallen Snow sib X Z11A: (Seasons In The Sun x V118A, Only The Shadow Knows sib)
75.00 75.0 USD
TB Midseason-late 33” (84cm) No fragrance.
The time of broken colored irises with poor form, stalks, buds, and growth is past. Now is the time to put this colorful beauty in your garden. Standards have mid to dark mulberry segments and streaks, and mid to light peach segments and streaks. Falls have a mid peach ground, white around the beards, and mid to dark mulberry segments, streaks, sanding, and dotting. WOW! What a wild and crazy flower. Vigorous growth produces show stalks with three branches and 8-9 buds.
Sdlg. BB117N: Y87A: (V24C, Cockeyed Optimist sib x W144C: (T46C: (Claim To Fame x Advantage) x T52CR: (N134AAR: (Island Coral x K113A: (Throb x I4B: (Blazing Sunrise x C17D, Vibrant sib))) x Advantage))) X Y115B, Breaking Free sib