• Arilbred
  • Border Bearded
  • Intermediate Bearded
  • Lynda Miller Median And Dwarf Introductions
  • Lynda Miller TB Introductions
  • Miniature Dwarf Bearded
  • Miniature Tall Bearded
  • Paul Black TB Introductions
  • Paul Black Median And Dwarf Introductions
  • Standard Dwarf Bearded
  • Tall Bearded
  • Thomas Johnson Median And Dwarf Introductions
  • Thomas Johnson TB Introductions
20.00 20.0 USD
MTB Tet. Early-midseason 24” (61cm)
Spicy fragrance. Loads of sweet orchid and white plicata flowers on well-branched stalks with many buds. Sdlg: AA276E: To The Contrary X Deep In The Heart
20.00 20.0 USD
IT’S FABULOUS (Black ’24)
MTB Tet. Early-midseason 23” (58.5cm)
Musky fragrance. Dainty mouthwatering orange blooms are borne on well-branched and budded stalks. One of the few orange MTBs. Sdlg. CC160A: Bright Victory X Dream Of Dreams
20.00 20.0 USD
MTB Early-midseason 20” (51cm)
Slight spicy fragrance. Taking the I. variegata veined fall pattern to an extreme. Makes a startling clump. Parentage involves mostly tets., but Amethyst Starburst looks diploid. Sdlg. BB168A: Little White Tiger X Black Z159A: (Black W195I: (Black S233A: (Redrock Princess x Ah Yes) x Edinger "Mullinax Butterfly") x unknown)
20.00 20.0 USD
WIRED CRAZY (L. Miller ’24)
MTB Midseason 18” (46cm)
No fragrance. Well-formed standards are white. Falls white with showy violet lines and white rim. Flashy! Sdlg. 2019: Paw Prints sibling X Prison Stripes sibling
20.00 20.0 USD
PLUMB BOB LINE (L. Miller ’24)
MTB Midseason 21” (53cm)
No fragrance. Beautifully formed bright yellow standards. Falls deep plum purple edged yellow and a center line below gold beards. Sdlg: 2119C: Marionberry sibling
20.00 20.0 USD
MARIONBERRY (L. Miller ’24)
MTB Midseason 23” (58cm)
No fragrance. Standards are domed smoky medium violet. Falls are dark purple with cream lines at the haft and gold beard. Sdlg. 2119B: Drop The Mic sibling X (Emoji x Gesundheit)
18.00 18.0 USD
INTERJECT (Paul Black 23)
MTB dip Midseason-Late 20” (51cm)
No fragrance This cross again illustrates the unusual fertility between tetraploid and diploid MTBs that nobody seems to be able to adequately explain. The seedlings from my cross W195 proved to be sterile in crosses I made. A smart bee gave me one seed that is ‘Interject’. It is fertile with diploids and is being introduced to add more genes to the diploid MTB mix. Standards and styles are mid gold. Upper half of falls are white veined mid old gold and lower half is mid gold washed Dijon and rimmed in gold. Stalks have 2 branches and spur with 7-8 buds. Sdlg. Z159A: W195I: (S233A: (Redrock Princess x Ah Yes) x Mullinax Butterfly, unknown diploid) X Unkown bee
18.00 18.0 USD
GENTLE SIGH (Paul Black 23) MTB (tet) Midseason-Late 24” (61cm) slight sweet fragrance Through its softer colors and diminutive size, ‘Gentle Sigh’ conveys the feeling of peaceful serenity in your garden. Standards of white flowers have wide mid amethyst plicata bands and dotted centers. Falls have mid amethyst plicata stitched bands. White beards have interesting auburn tips over a light amethyst layer. Show stalks have 3 branches plus spur and 10-11 buds. A lovely refinement in tetraploid MTBs. Sdlg. AA276C: To the Contrary X Deep in the Heart
18.00 18.0 USD
YOWZA (Paul Black 23)
MTB (tet) Late-Very Late 22” (56cm)
Slight sweet fragrance Considerable breeding has taken place to create fuller and more ruffled MTBs. After years of refining, the goal has been achieved. These classically formed and ruffled blooms create an elegant presence. Mid lilac standards base blends upward to light mauve pink with gilt tan-gold rims. Mid mauve pink styles peer out over very round light buff-pink falls etched with plum veins over their hafts. Fluffy tangerine beards top it all off. Strong growth creates clumps filled with show stalks having 3 branches plus 2 spurs with 9-12 buds. Exceptionally nice in every respect. Sdlg. AA161B: Black X185C, Queen Mum sib X Black Y196B, involved
18.00 18.0 USD
FINE OUTFIT (Paul Black 23)
MTB (diploid) Midseason 21” (53cm)
No fragrance This outfit comes from an interesting genetic mix of diploid and tetraploid parents plus an unknown. In trial crosses, ‘Fine Outfit’ has been fertile in diploid crosses but not tetraploid. Traditional diploid type flowers have mid lilac standards with darker fine lines overall. Elongated white hafts have wide dark purple veins with lower half being solid dark purple with white wire rim. Two branches sport 7 buds. Striking clumps filled with stalks and bloom. Sdlg. BB168N: Little White Tiger X Interject
18.00 18.0 USD
CANDY TYCOON (Paul Black 23)
MTB (tet) Midseason-Late 25” (63cm)
No fragrance This tycoon has cornered the market on pink cotton candy blooms. Light peach pink standards and styles top falls with pale peach pink hafts lined and sanded mid rose-pink blending to wide rose band then narrowly edged light peach pink. Coral pink beards are the perfect accessory. Super show stalks have 4 branches and sometimes rebranch with 9-14 buds. Sdlg. AA166G: Black X201C: (Black T171E, Casual Attire pod parent x Black T171D, sib) X Black Y179A, Bright Victory sib
18.00 18.0 USD
SPICY GAL (L. Miller ’23)
MTB dip. Midseason-late 16” (41cm)
No fragrance. Standards are old gold with darker sanded margins. Falls white bordered old gold with veins and dots of brownish-purple. Gold beards. 9-10 buds. Sdlg. 3918: 6814B: ((5610B: (Garden Imp x Survivor) x 2710A: (Garden Imp x persona)) X Pixel Packin’ Mama.
18.00 18.0 USD
CRAZY CHAOS (L. Miller ’23)
MTB dip. Midseason-late 23” (58.5cm)
No fragrance. Standards are white, splashed deep violet. Falls are washed and veined violet-blue with deep violet splashes. Dark yellow beards. Up to 17 buds! Sdlg. 1118A: 2415B: (Emoji x Gesondheit) X Chocolate Fountain.
18.00 18.0 USD
BOLD ENERGY (L. Miller ’23)
MTB Tet. Early-midseason 21” (53cm)
No fragrance. Lightly ruffled mulberry purple with red-orange beard. Nice stems with 7-13 buds. Sdlg. 1319B: 3814A: ((5410B: (Ben A Factor x Red Trooper) x Raspberry Shocker)) X 916E: (2814A: (( Rose City x Raspberry Shocker sib) x Probie)).
18.00 18.0 USD
KISSING BOOTH (T. Johnson ’23)
Tet MTB Early-Midseason-Late 26” (66cm)
Slight fragrance. There was never any doubt whether this iris would get introduced or not. The color is rich pink with orange tones and orange beards, but what makes Kissing Booth shine is its bloom habits. The last two years it bloomed heavily for an entire month. Absolutely spectacular in full flower that lasts and lasts. Lots of buds and good form on nicely branched stems. Lots of sequential stalks contribute to its long bloom season. Sdlg. TL252XX: Start The Party X Hippy Chick.
16.00 16.0 USD
QUITE BRIGHT (Paul Black '22)
MTB Midseason-Late 25” (63cm)
Pronounced spicy fragrance. It is also quite white embellished with yellow veined hafts. Very pretty form. Well-branched stalks and plenty of buds. Makes showy clumps.
Sdlg. Y191M: Perfectly Composed sib tetraploid
16.00 16.0 USD
PICTURE ME (Paul Black '22)
MTB Early-Midseason 24” (61cm)
Slight sweet fragrance. Gently waved light to mid pink blooms have widely spaced deeper mauve veins over falls and are accented with tangerine beards. Pretty clumps.
Sdlg. AA162E: Black X189B: (Black T171E, Casual Attire pollen parent sib x Bundle of Love) X Black Y198A, I Feel Enchanting sib tetraploid
16.00 16.0 USD
MTB Midseason Late 25” (63cm)
Slight sweet fragrance. Delightfully waved flowers have mid gold standards infused rose. Dark burgundy falls have underlying black veins. Heavily branched and budded stems make for a long bloom time. Sdlg. Y203I, Deep in the Heart sib tetraploid
16.00 16.0 USD
MTB Midseason-Late 24” (61cm)
No fragrance It’s vivid magenta cloak with vivid tangerine beards might lead you astray. Be careful. Nicely branched and budded stalks are tinted purple.
Sdlg. AA159A: Flirtin’ Skirts X Black Y192A: (Black U68B: (Date with Destiny x Unknown) x Night Spirit) tetraploid
16.00 16.0 USD
MANIAC (Lynda Miller ’22)
MTB Midseason-Late 22” (56cm)
Long blooming, wonderfully formed blossoms of clear white, irregularly splashed deep violet. Lots of stalks on this beauty with 8 buds.
Sdlg 4218B: Chocolate Fountain X (Emoji x Geshundheit)