• Arilbred
  • Border Bearded
  • Intermediate Bearded
  • Lynda Miller Median And Dwarf Introductions
  • Lynda Miller TB Introductions
  • Miniature Dwarf Bearded
  • Miniature Tall Bearded
  • Paul Black TB Introductions
  • Paul Black Median And Dwarf Introductions
  • Standard Dwarf Bearded
  • Tall Bearded
  • Thomas Johnson Median And Dwarf Introductions
  • Thomas Johnson TB Introductions
18.00 18.0 USD
BLUSHING LOVE (T. Johnson ’21)
TB Mid 33” (84cm)
Icy pink white standards with light pink flush up the midrib. Falls are light pink with deeper pink hafts and edge and coral pink beards. Another approach to the elusive pink amoena. Very nice classical form with show stems and ample buds make Blushing Love a class act. Lovely indeed!!
Sdlg TI115ZZ: Sib to Poem of Love X Keppel 06-156Y, Friendly Advice sib
12.00 12.0 USD
BOLD AWAKENING (Tasco '16) Early-midseason 33" (84cm) Standards are magenta-rose, veined darker. Falls are brick red with an orange blush and large oval shaped, dark burgundy-black signal.
18.00 18.0 USD
BOLD ENERGY (L. Miller ’23)
MTB Tet. Early-midseason 21” (53cm)
No fragrance. Lightly ruffled mulberry purple with red-orange beard. Nice stems with 7-13 buds. Sdlg. 1319B: 3814A: ((5410B: (Ben A Factor x Red Trooper) x Raspberry Shocker)) X 916E: (2814A: (( Rose City x Raspberry Shocker sib) x Probie)).
18.00 18.0 USD
BOMBSHELL (T. Johnson ’21)
TB Mid 34” (86cm)
Peach pink standards. Falls are peach with a deep magenta fall wash. A peach center belly stripe starts below the beard and extends to the petal edge, then a wide lighter peach fall band with a pencil thin magenta edge, and tangerine beards complete the picture. Large round and full formed flowers make quite a statement from a distance as well as up close.
Sdlg TI86B: Call Me Maybe X Twilight Rhapsody.
10.00 10.0 USD
BOO TO YOU (P. Black '21)
SDB Early-Midseason 14” (36cm)
The accent here is on the round, lightly ruffled and strongly flared falls. The falls of these pristine white flowers are blended light to mid blue over their centers leaving a wide white band and a patch around the beard. Stalks are distributed evenly throughout the clump, so flowers are never crowded.
Sdlg. Z231C, By The Sea sib
25.00 25.0 USD
TB Early-Midseason 29” (74cm)
Pronounced sweet fragrance Reveille sounds as the brilliant sun rises just like the vivid yellow-gold standards of this showy flower. Pristine white falls have dark amber bands with red-violet halos inside them. Big bright yellow beards echo the standards color. Three branches and 8-9 buds ensure a lengthy bloom. Showy clumps and shorter stature provide a bright spot toward the front of your landscape.
Sdlg. X89E, Paisley Print sib
15.00 15.0 USD
BOOM (Paul Black 23)
SDB Midseason-Late 15” (38cm)
Pronounced sweet fragrance It is spring’s explosion of color. Light peach standards are a soft foil for the raucous mid plum falls widely banded light rosy mauve. Bright dark orange beards go “Boom”! Clumps are filled with stalks. Robust growth. Sdlg. BB227A: Hey Look At Me X Yoda
14.00 14.0 USD
AB (OGB-) Early-Midseason 26” (66cm)
It has strong aril characteristics including the bold burgundy blaze. Mid orchid standards surround mid apricot gold styles. Mid peach apricot hafts blend to mid violet centers banded darker dusky rose. Wide marigold beards narrow to light lavender scruffy ends. Two branches and 5 buds give it a good season of bloom.
Sdlg. W306A: Energizer X S167A: (P220A: (Fancy a Flutter x Palace Symphony) x Cheap Frills)
12.00 12.0 USD
BORN THIS WAY (T.Johnson ‘15)
TB Midseason-Late 36” (91cm)
Big, round and buxom. She was ‘Born this Way’. Frothy, exuberantly ruffled fuchsia rose falls are widely banded near white with an interesting veined transition between central color and banding. Strong well-branched stalks carry these beauties in regal fashion. Easy increaser. Unfortunately the cross tag was lost.
Sdlg. TD181C: Unknown - lost tag
13.00 13.0 USD
BORN TO BOOGIE (Thomas Johnson ’22)
SDB Late 12” (31cm)
Sweet fragrance. Rich coral orange standards and style arms with a slight violet plicata wash in the standards. Falls are salmon with medium maroon plicata dots. Beards are a bright coral orange.
Sdlg TK273C: Sweet Devotion X unknown, illegible tag.
28.00 28.0 USD
BORN TO FLY (T. Johnson ’25) SDB Early-midseason 14” (35.5cm) Slight fragrance. Intensely ruffled light lemon petals with a light violet plicata inner band and a deeper violet stitched haft. The beards are neon orange. Form!! Sdlg. TO83A: Zig Zag X Road Rage
30.00 30.0 USD
BORN TO PARTY (T. Johnson ’23)
TB Midseason 36” (91.5cm)
Sweet fragrance. Golden yellow standards. Falls are very difficult to describe. Essentially a deep maroon around and below the beard that blends out to a washed maroon over lavender and finally forming a gold band. Beautiful form with consistent show stems the norm. A clump in full bloom creates quite a startling effect. Sdlg. TL184B: What A Circus X (TI87A x (TC375A x (Tango Express sib x Danger Money)) x Hooked On A Feeling)
13.00 13.0 USD
BB Midseason-Late 27” (69cm)
Border bearded irises are no longer sulky shrinking violets. ‘Boundless Berry’ is testament to that with its robust growth and showy clumps filled with bloom stalks. Compact, heavily ruffled flowers have light warm pink blooms. Fall hafts are rouged red plum and veined cream and shade lighter to narrow warm pink bands. Big, dark sienna beards are an interesting contrast. Show stalks have 3 branches and 7-9 buds. A moderate sweet fragrance is a plus.
Sdlg. Y171B: (Delectable Treat X V182D: (R170J, Simply Coral sib x Enough is Enough).
40.00 40.0 USD
TB Midseason-late 35” (89cm)
Sweet fragrance. Want a show-stopping mass of bloom in your garden? Bountiful Bloom gives exactly that. Multitudes of show stalks fill these robust, disease-resistant clumps. It is a superlative garden variety. Mid pink standards are blushed violet up the midrib. Falls are mid red-violet with pink blushed hafts. Sdlg. BB76A: Black Y4A: (Fantasy In Pink x Bedroom Romance) X Fashion Week
24.00 24.0 USD
TB Midseason 38” (97cm)
Sweet fragrance. A plicata that really has to be looked at to be appreciated. Standards have a cream base, shaded with tan brown dots and fine veining. Falls rich chocolate veining and shading over yellow. The petal edges are solid brown. Beards are yellow tipped brown. Fertility untried.
Sdlg Z22-1: (Keppel 10-25A: Reckless Abandon x Sorbonne) X Dark Energy.
75.00 75.0 USD
BOXING RING (T. Johnson ’25) TB Early-midseason 38” (96.5cm) Sweet fragrance. Standards are a medium yellow with a darker edge. Falls are a very light yellow with deep lemon yellow hafts. A wide ruffled deep maroon band frames the pattern. It is hard to capture the true grandeur of Boxing Ring in a photo. The flowers are very large and widely formed with great ruffles. It creates a very dramatic look in the garden. Much admired by garden visitors, it is a gorgeous iris that will not be overlooked. Sdlg. TN118XX: Headshot X TI147B: (Hard To Resist x TE25A: (TY55B: (Starship Enterprise x Pursuit Of Happiness) x Brazilian Art)
30.00 30.0 USD
TB Midseason-Late 33” (84cm)
Pronounced sweet fragrance Take a dip of luscious vanilla ice cream and drizzle boysenberry syrup over it and you have this scrumptious confection. Dark red purple standards have white centers heavily plic marked the same. Styles are plum brown. Fancy plic marked cream falls are covered overall with boysenberry sanded veins becoming darker and more concentrated toward edges. Later bloom helps prevent late frost damage. Superb show stalks have 4 branches plus spur and 2 branch spurs producing 11-14 buds. Makes unforgettable clumps filled with bloom. Gives lovely seedlings. Sdlg. Z74E, Expanding Universe sib
16.00 16.0 USD
BREAK MY HEART (T. Johnson ’21)
TB Mid-Late 36” (91cm)
The first of many introductions this year from the wonderful parent Dressed to the Nines. White standards with lemon centers becoming faint veining to petal edge. Falls are a deep rich red violet with a very light lavender band and then a gold edge. The beards are tangerine tipped violet. Very nice ruffled form on fantastic show stems. Break My Heart is a strong bloomer covering itself with flowers. Fabulous!!
Sdlg: TJ252C: Dressed to the Nines X When Doves Cry.
26.00 26.0 USD
BREAK THE RULES (Paul Black 23)
TB Early-Midseason 34” (86cm)
Pronounced musky fragrance Marrying an IB and TB, both having exceptional branching and buds, created this wildly floriferous smaller flowered garden standout. Standards of white blossoms are widely plic marked violet blue with similar narrower band around falls. Mid gold beards are a subtle accent. Show stalks have 4 branches and rebranch creating 12-15 buds. It creates an unmistakable garden presence. Can be used to breed TBs, BBs, tet MTBs, IBs and even SDBs. Sdlg. BB169B: Silver Ice X Cat Tales
32.00 32.0 USD
BREATH OF FRESH AIR (Thomas Johnson ’23)
TB Midseason-late 36” (91.5cm)
Sweet fragrance. Pink standards with deeper pink centers. Falls are cream washed light lavender with a pink edge. Beards are medium lavender with frosted lighter lavender hair tips. The overall effect is one of grace and elegance. Nicely branched show stems are the norm. Sdlg. TL176A: Blushing Moment X (Those Violet Eyes x Lasting Moment sib)