• Arilbred
  • Border Bearded
  • Intermediate Bearded
  • Lynda Miller Median And Dwarf Introductions
  • Lynda Miller TB Introductions
  • Miniature Dwarf Bearded
  • Miniature Tall Bearded
  • Paul Black TB Introductions
  • Paul Black Median And Dwarf Introductions
  • Standard Dwarf Bearded
  • Tall Bearded
  • Thomas Johnson Median And Dwarf Introductions
  • Thomas Johnson TB Introductions
12.00 12.0 USD
TB Midseason-Late 37” (94cm)
Slight fragrance. LEAVE ME BREATHLESS is exactly what happened when I first laid eyes on this one when it bloomed as a seedling for me the first time. I remember gasping when I got down to the end of the row and saw it. Large showy flowers scream LOOK AT ME! A very fun pattern indeed I am going to let the picture do the talking as far the color is concerned. Nice well branched stems carry 9 buds. A favorite that never fails to delight.
Sdlg. TG160ZZ: Read Between the Lines X TC339A: ((Hysteria x Blyth O201A): (Lets Romp sib. x Mango Daiquiri sib.))
12.00 12.0 USD
LAVENDER BREEZE (T. Johnson ’19)
TB Early 36” (91cm)
Sweetly scented. Rich lavender blue standards. Falls are lavender blue with deeper lavender veins extending to a medium lavender diffused band then encircled by a light lavender wire rim. Gorgeous full ruffled form with great stems and buds. Looks mighty fine in a clump. A good strong grower and very floriferous.
Sdlg. TH13B: Sib to Arabian Treasure.
12.00 12.0 USD
LATEST FASHION (T. Johnson ’19)
TB Early-Midseason 37” (94cm)
Lovely blue white Standards are infused pink in the center. Falls are ruffled salmon pink with a lighter central area below violet tipped orange beards. Latest Fashion has good strong stems carrying 8 buds. A beautiful iris that is much admired!!
Sdlg. TH143A: TD357ZZ: (Head over Heels sib. x Sudden Bliss) X TD139A: (Rasputin x Blyth O227A: (I’m Dreaming sib. x L159-2: (J219-1: (Enjoy the Party x F160-1: (D46-1, Arabian Story sib. x Cast a Spell)) x G63-B, Mandarin Morning sib.)))
12.00 12.0 USD
HEAR ME ROAR (T. Johnson ’19)
TB Midseason 37” (94cm)
Lemon yellow standards and edge on rich mahogany falls. Very rich smooth colors with nice ruffling on good stems carrying 8 to 9 buds. The ruffled falls show the petal reverse which is yellow adding to the effect. A very loud distinct color separation. Hear me Roar is a sib to Autumn Tease.
Sdlg TH68A: Seasons In The Sun X Risk Taker
12.00 12.0 USD
GIRL LIKE YOU (T. Johnson ’19)
TB Late 29” (74cm)
On the shorter side, GIRL LIKE YOU is a very ruffled and lightly laced rich salmon to orange self with a small white flash below fully saturated red orange beards. Nicely branched show stems are produced in profusion making quite a lovely garden show near the end of the season. Very rich and pretty!!
Sdlg TG185ZZ: Abiding Love X Coralina
12.00 12.0 USD
TB Midseason 37” (94cm)
Lemon yellow standards over red violet falls with lavender band and slight yellow wire rim. Short white lines radiate out on either side of the yellow orange beard. With its super nice ruffled form, we have used Dressed to the Nine’s heavily in hybridizing and is an exceptional parent for form and banded patterns in lots of different colors. There will be many intros from it in the future. Nice stems with good buds complete this quality iris.
Sdlg. TG425A: Blyth S173-B: (Fine Drop x (Q19-6: Electric Candy Sib.)) X Unknown (illegible tag) Recommended!
12.00 12.0 USD
TB Early 36” (91cm)
Very light buff pink Standards flushed heavily with Med. Violet in the center. Falls are deep violet with deeper veining and a lavender band. Lovely formed flowers and a strong grower with heavy bloom. Makes a nice show.
Sdlg TH13A: Haunted Heart X Call Me Maybe.
12.00 12.0 USD
NEED YOU NOW (T. Johnson ’18)
TB Late 35” (89cm)
Medium pink standards and light pink flushed edge on white falls. Deep pink hafts on either side of nice pink beards. Full round formed flowers have nice stems carrying 7 buds. Nice yummy luscious color!
Sdlg. TG222B: (Milan x Note to God) X Poem of Love sib.
12.00 12.0 USD
YOU FLIRT (T. Johnson ’18)
TB Late 36” (91cm)
Light yellow standards are lighter on the edge. Falls are rich burgundy with a narrow lemon yellow edge. The nicely ruffled forms shows the lemon yellow reverse on the petals adding to the effect.
Sdlg. TF34B: Catwalk Queen X Risk Taker.
12.00 12.0 USD
SWEET CITY WOMAN (T. Johnson ’18)
TB Midseason-late 33”(84cm)
Light salmon to pink Standards. Rich deep Claret to rose falls with burnt orange beards. A lovely iris with nice show stems and good bud count. Nicely ruffled and proving to be a good parent for nice bicolors.
Sdlg. TG120A: Coralina X Abiding Love.
12.00 12.0 USD
TRUTH OR DARE (T. Johnson ’18)
TB Late 36” (91cm)
A total new pattern in TBs is emerging. We have loved this one from its maiden bloom. Garden nickname had been “pansy face” because it reminds us of a pattern you would find on a Pansy flower. Standards are lemon yellow deeper at the base. Falls are white with a faint yellow halo band near edge of petals. What really sets this flower off is the dramatic rusy to red central signal that surrounds the orange beard. Not the easiest of parents but from what we have bloomed from it so far it is well worth the effort. Nice stem with up to 8 buds.
Sdlg. TG111B: (Rogue Trader x (Rules of Love x Decadence)) X Daring Deception.
12.00 12.0 USD
WHEN DOVES CRY (T.Johnson ’18)
TB Midseason 36” (91cm)
A lovely clean and ruffled bicolor iris. Standards are icy white with light lemon highlights especially shot up the midrib. Falls are a plush burgundy with nice wide and precise lavender bands and a darker wire rim. Nice orange beards contrast nicely with the plush burgundy falls. A favorite and used a lot in hybridizing.
Sdlg. TG193B: Risk Taker X Born This Way.
12.00 12.0 USD
CARIBBEAN QUEEN (T. Johnson ’18)
TB Midseason 34” (86cm)
Billowing icy white standard. Light sky blue falls with white beards tipped tangerine. A gorgeous iris with ruffles galore. Produces show stems carrying up to 8 buds. If you like ruffles you won’t be disappointed with Caribbean Queen.
Sdlg. TG129A: Water Waltz X (Restless Heart x ((My Ginny x Queen’s Circle) x Rio))
12.00 12.0 USD
WHAT A PARTY (T. Johnson ’18)
TB Midseason-late 33” (84cm)
Yellow to gold standards with a little violet blended in. Falls are plush and rich deep burgundy black changing to a feathered red edge then encircled with a lavender blue band and finally edged gold. A beautiful flower for sure. Branched stalks have up to 12 buds. Color!!
Sdlg. TG125A: ((Lunch in Madrid x ((Decadence x Next Millenium)) x (Magic by Gosh x Crowns for credit sib.)) X Abiding Love
12.00 12.0 USD
DISCO LIGHTS (T. Johnson ’18)
TB Late 35” (89cm)
Bright lemon with falls overlaid and washed lavender blue becoming a solid brownish violet band. Yellow orange beards. A showy and fun pattern.
Sdlg. TG418A: (Free Ride x I’m a Hussy sib) X unreadable tag.
12.00 12.0 USD
CURVE BALL (T.Johnson ’18)
TB Late 36” (91cm)
Curve Ball is all about the beard. Lemon yellow standards; falls are white ground w/ a lemon overlay transitioning to a wide dark violet band. Very large tang. beards extend longer than usual down the fall. 7 buds on good stalks. Form is a bit funky but add to the appeal.
Sdlg. TG366A: Brilliant Idea X unreadable tag.
12.00 12.0 USD
KISSED BY AN ANGEL (T. Johnson ’18)
TB Late 34” (86cm)
Very pale blue white standards and edge on falls that are overlaid with med. Lavender blue. Falls have central violet blue lines radiating out from around blue tipped orange beard. Beautiful form and ruffles on well branched stalks carrying up to 9 buds. Very classy looking and much admired by visitors.
Sdlg. TG68C: (Hysteria x (Let’s Romp sib. x Mango Daiquiri sib.)) X Haunted Heart
12.00 12.0 USD
SONG OF SILENCE (T. Johnson ’18)
TB Early-midseason 33” (84cm)
What is commonly referred to as a “fancy” or luminata plicata. Standards are deep purple falls have a light lavender blue ground washed with deep purple becoming a solid purple black band. Beards are white tipped blue. Nicely ruffled with good branching and buds. Lovely!!
Sdlg. TG61A: ((High Master x Blackberry Tease) x (Blackberry Tease x Tuscan Sun pod parent)) X Grapetizer
12.00 12.0 USD
SWING DANCER (T. Johnson ’18)
TB Midseason 36” (91cm)
Light Lavender to lilac standards. Falls are plush deep violet blue with lighter fall washed edge; bright tangerine beards. Good stems with up to 9 buds on nicely formed ruffled flowers.
Sdlg. TG101A: All the Talk X Super Model
12.00 12.0 USD
DOWN IN MEXICO (T. Johnson ’18)
TB Midseason-late 35” (89cm)
Golden Yellow Standards and band on Rusty red falls. Beards are mustard. Good strong stems carrying 8 buds. A very bright and showy iris.
Sdlg. TG170A: ((Wild Angel x sib) x Girl Gone Wild) X Mardi Gras Ball.