• Arilbred
  • Border Bearded
  • Intermediate Bearded
  • Lynda Miller Median And Dwarf Introductions
  • Lynda Miller TB Introductions
  • Miniature Dwarf Bearded
  • Miniature Tall Bearded
  • Paul Black TB Introductions
  • Paul Black Median And Dwarf Introductions
  • Standard Dwarf Bearded
  • Tall Bearded
  • Thomas Johnson Median And Dwarf Introductions
  • Thomas Johnson TB Introductions
15.00 15.0 USD
A LITTLE MORE ACTION (Shadlow '20) Early-mid-late 37" (94cm) Standards yellow, Falls plum-red center with slight midline stripe of lighter violet, and narrow peach rim.
30.00 30.0 USD
A MILLION DREAMS (T. Johnson ’23)
TB Midseason-Late 36” (91.5cm)
Sweet fragrance. Clear pink standards. Falls are lavender pink with pink touched hafts and shrimp beards. Very large and full wide flowers on perfect show stems. The simpler ruffling and clarity of color make for a knockout garden iris. Impressive to say the least! Sdlg. TL1B: Arrivederci X Hospitality.
13.00 13.0 USD
TB Midseason-late 36” (91cm)
Blended pristine white and lemon yellow standards, deeper at the base. White falls with faint lemon edge and white beards. Gorgeous form and ruffles on a super clean color makes this a classy garden standout.
Sdlg. X173-AA: Songsmith pod parent X Magical.
24.00 24.0 USD
TB Early-Midseason 30” (76cm)
No fragrance. These early bright blooming clumps will get you pumped up for the coming bloom season. Peach pink standards blend to buttery peach margins. Mid peach falls blend darker toward edges and have widely spaced dark purple veins overall. Fat vivid orange beards keep your heart pounding. Myriads of show stalks have 3 branches and 7-8 buds.
Sdlg. Z43W: Will You Be Mine X V78A: (R76D: (Opening Number x M29DD: (Ransom Note x What’s My Line)) x R108B: (N121AA: (City of Gold x Snowed In) x One of a Kind))
12.00 12.0 USD
AIME BAY (S. Boivin ’15)
TB Early-mid 41” (104cm)
Standards light yellow. Falls dark pink violet blending to a light yellow edge. Strong and imposing!! From my friend Stephane Boivin in France.
16.00 16.0 USD
ALL GROWN UP (P. Black 21)
TB Late-Very Late 32” (81cm)
Strong, well-branched stalks are able to showcase these giant-sized blooms without crowding. Lavishly ruffled standards have rosy mauve centers blended to wide light chalky gray lavender margins. Broad falls blend from pale violet blue to mid violet blue and gradually darkening to dark violet and banded dark plum. Two toned beards are gray tipped light coral and outward to mid violet. Stalks have 2 branches and 6-7 buds.
Sdlg. V159Q, Pleasure’s All Mine sib X Escape from Boredom.
16.00 16.0 USD
ALL IN VEIN (T. Johnson ’21)
TB Early 32” (81cm)
Very light grape standards with deep purple veins almost completely covering the petals. Petal edges are surrounded by a gilt gold narrow rim. Falls are deep purple with white rays extending out to the center of the petal then becoming solid purple with a stitched lavender rim. The backs of the falls are striped and veined all the way to the edge giving a very cool effect especially when in bud. Bright orange beards and feathered white style crests complete this wild ensemble. Good growth and stems carrying 8 buds. Coming from a cross of Blyth seedlings made in Australia. Truly striking!!
Sdlg TJ312A: (Ghost Writer x Expect Wonders) X (((Oreo x Hello Darkness) x Reckless Abandon) x Cher and Cher Alike sib)
42.00 42.0 USD
ALL LINED UP (T. Johnson ’24)
TB Midseason-late 36” (91cm)
Light fragrance. Creamy standards have pink centers and a gilt lemon edge. Falls are yellow with red violet lines extending from the beard to near the petal edge. The lines become a series of dots just before it becomes a yellow edge. A different color for the lined pattern. Nice stems and large well-formed and ruffled flowers. Unique. Sdlg. TM95A: Line Item X Thundering Applause
16.00 16.0 USD
ALL RISE (L Miller ’21)
TB Early-Mid 31” (78cm)
Standards and styles orchid pink. Falls orchid-purple paling at edges. Beards dark tangerine with frilly light purple flounces. Show stalks with three branches and 2 spurs. Consistent!!!
Sdlg 815E: ((Winning Ticket x Rock ‘n Roll)) x Act Surprised)) X 2313A: (((Beyond Dreams x Pink Cushion) x Act Surprised)) x Blowing Kisses))).
28.00 28.0 USD
ALL STITCHED UP (T. Johnson ’23)
TB Early-midseason 37” (94cm)
Sweet fragrance. Golden yellow standards with an ever so slightly stitched violet edge. Falls are cream with medium violet stitched hafts and narrow stitched band. All Stitched Up will start the TB bloom season and will continue on blooming all the way through midseason. A super strong grower, heavy bloomer with show stems galore. Sdlg. TL45A: High Desert X Beautician.
14.00 14.0 USD
ALL THE RAGE (T. Johnson ’19)
TB Midseason 34” (86cm)
A favorite of ours from its maiden bloom. Eggshell white Standards with a nice wide gold band and the beginnings of violet veining. Falls are wide and ruffled deep violet with a white ray spray pattern around brilliant orange beards. Nicely ruffled flowers are held on good stems with ample buds. Very showy and a garden favorite.
Sdlg. TH20A. Reckless Abandon X TD24A:(Gypsy Lord x Edge of Heaven).
15.00 15.0 USD
ALMOST TASTE IT (T. Johnson ’20)
TB Early 36” (91.5cm)
Medium lavender blue Standards which lighten at the edges. Icy blue falls with flesh lined hafts and edge. Brilliant tangerine orange beards complete the package. Nice well-branched stems with 7 to 8 buds ensures a pretty display.
28.00 28.0 USD
TB Midseason-Late 34” (86cm)
Pronounced sweet fragrance. The heady fragrance of these sturdily constructed flowers is a delight to the gods. Lightly laced light peach apricot standards repeat in wide light peach bands around cream falls. Zingy mid burnt orange beards give an inner warmth. Well branched show stalks have 3 branches and 9-10 buds. Robust growth Sdlg. Z106D: Black V159B, Pleasure’s All Mine sib X Time Out
32.00 32.0 USD
TB Early-Midseason 36” (91cm)
Slight sweet fragrance Isn’t she stunning as she glides down the runway! Pristine white standards encapsulate white styles rimmed pink. Silken, diamond dusted creamy falls wash to pale buff edges. Mid pink beards assure her couture is anything but common. Hybridizers have worked many years for whites with pink instead of orange beards and finally here it is. Well-branched stalks have 3 branches and 7 buds. Sdlg. AA98A: W77A: (S74OO: (Kiss of Passion x All My Dreams) x S53A: (Royal Sterling x Giorgio)) X Y18A: (Multnomah Falls x Strawberry Shake)
32.00 32.0 USD
AMETHYST ANGEL (T. Johnson ’23)
TB Late 38” (96.5cm) Sweet fragrance.
Light lavender standards with pink centers. Falls are a rich purple reminiscent of the purple seen more often in siberian iris. The beards are large and a unique blending of colors that comes off as kind of a frosted root beer. The flowers are very wide, large and ruffled. Tall well branched stems add to the look. A beautiful color combination that is hard to capture in a photo. Sdlg. TI11ZZ: Beauty Contest X All About Me.
16.00 16.0 USD
ANGELIC MORN (T. Johnson ’21)
TB Mid-Late 31” (79 cm)
White standards with wide gold band and deep gold base and midrib. Falls are white with lavender band and gold touched hafts. Bright orange beards. Creates a beautiful color combination and a garden standout.
Sdlg TJ238B: (Hard to Resist sib x Edge of Heaven) X (Watercolor Print x Dignified).
30.00 30.0 USD
30.00 30.0 USD
APPLE OF MY EYE (Paul Black 23)
TB Late-Very Late 35” (89cm)
Pronounced sweet fragrance Oh YES, I really like this one. Be sure to take in the lovely, nuanced colors. Tight classically formed flowers have waxen substance and sheen. Lightly laced red brown standards blend to wide dark mulberry bands, a very interesting color transition. Narrow crinkle laced black cherry falls are touched with white dotting. The white chevron around the multi-layered beard is heavily mottled mid black cherry. Three layered beards are white to dark purple and tipped old gold. Strong, disease resistant foliage. Show branched stalks have 3 branches plus spur and 9- 10 buds. Sdlg. AA268A: Ruby Tracery X Black Y54A, Drag Race sib
12.00 12.0 USD
TB Early 36” (91cm)
Very light buff pink Standards flushed heavily with Med. Violet in the center. Falls are deep violet with deeper veining and a lavender band. Lovely formed flowers and a strong grower with heavy bloom. Makes a nice show.
Sdlg TH13A: Haunted Heart X Call Me Maybe.
38.00 38.0 USD
AS YOU WISH (T. Johnson ’23)
TB Midseason-late 35” (89cm)
Light fragrance. Medium rose-lavender-pink standards and edge on lighter pink falls. There is a darker pink blush on either side of the beautiful saturated pink beards. Very nice ruffled and laced form on nice show stems. As You Wish is an easy grower and has been used heavily in hybridizing. This is an iris that we like a lot!! Sdlg. TL74ZZ: Slice Of Heaven X Strawberry Shake.