• Arilbred
  • Border Bearded
  • Intermediate Bearded
  • Lynda Miller Median And Dwarf Introductions
  • Lynda Miller TB Introductions
  • Miniature Dwarf Bearded
  • Miniature Tall Bearded
  • Paul Black TB Introductions
  • Paul Black Median And Dwarf Introductions
  • Standard Dwarf Bearded
  • Tall Bearded
  • Thomas Johnson Median And Dwarf Introductions
  • Thomas Johnson TB Introductions
16.00 16.0 USD
ROYAL ACADEMY (K. Keppel '21)
TB midseason 39" (99 cm)
Tall, big ruffled deep purple self
16.00 16.0 USD
RULE THE WORLD (T. Johnson ’21)
TB Early 35” (89cm)
White standards and edge on plum purple falls. Red beards really pop and add a brightness to the flower. Rule the World was labeled for introduction from its maiden bloom. Always a delight with its strong growth, heavy bloom and show stems. Truly a delight that never disappoints.
Sdlg TJ212ZZ: (Seasons in the Sun x Twilight Rhapsody) X sib to Elite.
16.00 16.0 USD
SAY THE WORD (T. Johnson ’21)
TB Mid 35” (89cm)
Some iris just remind me of food, perhaps it is just my insatiable appetite talking, but this one reminds me of some sort of yummy mango flavored dessert. Say the Word has very ruffled mango to peach blended standards and edge on white falls with a deep mango wash on the hafts and below the beard. A good grower and bloomer, Say the Word is a stunner; especially in full sun the color really shines. Very unique and won’t be confused with another. Gorgeous!!
Sdlg TJ326A: Blyth W51-1: ((Novel Idea x Gypsy Lord) x Magical) x Master at Arms sib) X Blyth W49-1: (Free to Dream x (((Alpine Harmony sib I’m Dreaming sib) x Platinum Class sib) x ((Wicked Woman x Pop Star) x (Wedding Belle x Starring)) x unknown))
12.00 12.0 USD
SECRET PAST (T. Johnson ’19)
TB Late 35” (89cm)
Sweetly scented. Buff gold standards over Medium blue to violet falls. Nicely ruffled standards with a more “pleated” ruffled falls. Nice stems carry 9 buds. A nice end of the season bicolor.
Sdlg. TH147C: Hard to Resist X (TC380B: First Avenue x Catwalk)
15.00 15.0 USD
SEEK THE UNIQUE (P. Black ‘20)
TB Early-Late 34” (86cm)
You’ve found unique with this superb, classically formed broken color variety. White blossoms have standards randomly splashed light orchid and falls randomly streaked and splashed dark to mid orchid. Show stalks have 3 branches and 7-8 buds. Vigorous and easy grower from this genetic broken color. Bred to another genetic broken color, it gives a very high percentage of broken color seedlings.
Sdlg. Y115C, Breaking Free sib
12.00 12.0 USD
SERGEY (T.Johnson ’16)
TB Midseason-Late 34” (86cm)
‘Sergey’ is an unsually gorgeous and subtle blue and yellow blended bicolor that was much admired at the 2015 AIS convention. It has wonderful form, growth, buds and stem. It is Being used heavily in breeding. Named in honor of our friend, Sergey Loktev, who has been a great advocate of irises and a frequent garden visitor from Russia.
Sdlg TF100A: Cameo Minx X First Avenue
12.00 12.0 USD
SHADOW BANDS (T. Johnson ’19)
TB Early-Midseason 36” (91cm)
Sweetly scented. Milk glass white standards are heavily infused lemon yellow in the center. Falls are a plush burgundy with a yellow sunburst flash in the center around the yellow orange beards. Very flashy and a vigorous grower with lots of bloom on strong stems carrying up to 11 buds. Nice!!
Sdlg. TH83A: Risk Taker X Sib to Hard to Resist
12.00 12.0 USD
TB Early Midseason 36” (91cm)
He’s tall, dark and handsome and draws the eye of anyone walking by. Only the finest clothes will do for this Sharp Dressed Man. Standards are iridescent mid purple. Elegantly ruffled purple black falls have a velvety texture and slightly lighter rim. Only someone so confident could get by with such an outrageous orange tie. Show stalks with 3-4 branches and 10-12 buds help insure a superior garden performance. Robust, healthy growth. Colors are exceptionally clear.
Sdlg. TZ58A: Paul Black X Saturn. A fantastic iris that blooms heavily with show stalks galore and is consistently good year to year. Wister Medal; First runner up to the Dykes 2017.
16.00 16.0 USD
SHOCKAHOLIC (T. Johnson ’20)
TB Early 30” (76cm)
Light pink standards are overlaid light orange and have deeper orange veins in center and peach band. Falls are a rich deep burnt orange with fully saturated tangerine beards. I wish the branching was a bit wider and the stems a bit taller but the color is dynamite, simply nothing like it!! Always stops visitors to the garden in their tracks!
Sdlg TI249A HANDFUL OF MAGIC X Blyth W75-1:(T201-1: (R89-2: (N245-3: ALPINE HARMONY SIB) x (O228-4: (L133-7: I’M DREAMING) x L304-1: PLATINUM CLASS SIB)) x (R38-1: (P109-1: WICKED WOMAN x POPSTAR) x (P20-1: WEDDING BELLE x STARRING))) X ?)
18.00 18.0 USD
SHOUT IT OUT LOUD (T. Johnson ’21)
TB Early 37” (94cm)
Icy blue white standards are slightly darker in the center. Falls are a deep indigo blue purple with lighter lavender band and then a purple wire rim. Short white rays radiate out from around either side of orange beards. Large blooms on show stems on very floriferous and long blooming clumps. Very bold!!
TJ137YY: Shine on Me Sunshine X Dressed to the Nines
16.00 16.0 USD
SHOWMANSHIP (K. Keppel '21)
TB late midseason 40" (102 cm)
Flesh pink standards; Medium pink and violet blue blended falls. Ruffled full form
18.00 18.0 USD
TB Mid 35” (89cm)
Oyster standards with lemon infusions throughout. Falls are a purple and violet blend with a wide light lavender band. Large ruffled and extremely showy blooms make this a very decadent looking confection. Nicely branched and budded. Extremely showy!!
Sdlg TJ231B: When Doves Cry X Dressed to the Nines
14.00 14.0 USD
SMILES ALL AROUND (T. Johnson ’20)
TB Midseason 34” (86cm)
Beautiful creamy white with Lemon edge becoming much darker at the hafts and fall edge. Beards are orange. What really makes me smile is the extremely elegant wide and ruffled form. Beautiful!!
16.00 16.0 USD
TB Mid-Late 35” (89cm)
Smooth black cherry standards over deeper black cherry falls with fully saturated tangerine orange beards. The clarity and smoothness of the color is very clean and crisp looking in the garden. Fantastic growth and show stems coming from the wonderful parent ‘Sharp Dressed Man’. Very striking and sharp looking for sure!!
Sdlg TJ80ZZ: Iconic X Sharp Dressed Man
12.00 12.0 USD
SNAPSHOT (T.Johnson '08)
TB Early-Midseason 32” (81cm)
Snapshot may be short of stature but you won’t overlook the powerful presence of its bright colors in your garden. Blazing yellow-gold standards continue as large sunbursts etched onto centers of mahogany-red falls. Mahogany veins radiate over sunbursts. Zingy gold beards amplify the sunburst effect. Growth is strong and robust. Stalks have two branches and 7 buds.
WISTER MEDAL; Runner up to the Dykes '16 and '17.
Sdlg. TW6C: Bold Vision X Next Millennium.
12.00 12.0 USD
SO EXCITED (T. Johnson ’20)
TB Early 40” (102cm)
Another iris with a very complex color pattern. White standards are heavily infused yellow in the center. Falls have deep lemon hafts then a white area below the beard which transitions into a lavender wash and finally a wide blended rust and purple blended band with a darker wire rim. It is a pretty wild color pattern and is very distinctive in the garden. Tall well branched stalks assure that it won’t be overlooked.
Sdlg TH18C Sib to last years intro Perihelion Pass
16.00 16.0 USD
SO HAPPY (T. Johnson ’21)
TB Early 33” (84cm)
Our fascination continues with the lined pattern. Standards are white. Falls are a white ground with lavender wash and deep lavender veins that extend from the base of the standards to the wide white border. Brilliant tangerine beards and gold touched hafts complete the look. Strong growth with nice stems and buds on vigorous, floriferous plants.
Sdlg TJ223ZZ: (Mardi Gras Ball x ((Hysteria x Let’s Romp sib) x Mango Daiquiri sib))) X (Mardi Gras Ball x Berserk).
18.00 18.0 USD
SO MUCH MORE (P. Black '21)
TB Midseason-Very Late 32” (81cm)
Oh my, there is ‘So Much More’ lace but look between the styles and there are what appear to be little floating islands of partial styles. It is very unique and rarely occurs. It is a stable and consistent trait. Mid pink standards are banded butter cream. Mid peach styles have lacy butter cream crests. White falls have peach hafts and butter cream laced edges. Stalks have 3 branches with 6-7 buds.
Sdlg. X69A: S122MM: (O101XX: (L2A, Beauty Becomes Her pollen parent x M56A, Advanced Degree pollen parent) x N131A: (J159B: (Prince of Pirates x Romantic Evening) x Dressed to Kill)) X T80B: (P56B, Bubblicious x Q6A: (Dearie x Drifting Bubbles))
12.00 12.0 USD
SONG OF SILENCE (T. Johnson ’18)
TB Early-midseason 33” (84cm)
What is commonly referred to as a “fancy” or luminata plicata. Standards are deep purple falls have a light lavender blue ground washed with deep purple becoming a solid purple black band. Beards are white tipped blue. Nicely ruffled with good branching and buds. Lovely!!
Sdlg. TG61A: ((High Master x Blackberry Tease) x (Blackberry Tease x Tuscan Sun pod parent)) X Grapetizer
16.00 16.0 USD
SPLASH OUT (P. Black '21)
TB Early-Midseason 31” (79cm)
You’ll be ready to ‘Splash Out’ for this bold beauty. Mid-light smoky mulberry standards are widely banded light tan and rimmed gilt gold. Near black lines of expansive falls are overlaid velvety darkest burgundy and decorated with ruffled rose bands. Startling large tangerine beards are flanked with butter hafts veined dark garnet. Well-branched stalks have 4 branches and 8-9 buds. May rebloom in warmer climates.
Sdlg. Y32CR, Autumn Jewel sib