Terms & Conditions

All plants are freshly dug, labeled true to name and healthy when shipped.  If there are any problems, please notify us within 10 days of receipt of your shipment and we will replace any plants that you are not happy with.  We cannot accept responsibility for plants lost due to climate or garden conditions.  
We ship both by UPS three day select (guaranteed) and ground.   Western states are usually shipped UPS ground or in the case of smaller packages priority mail.  Our goal is for you to receive your plants in the most economical way and within 3 to 5 days of shipping.  If you wish to have your order shipped specifically by priority mail please contact us as additional shipping charges may apply.  All orders are shipped during the months of July and August.
Substitutions are not usually necessary but if they are we will not substitute without your permission.  If ordering late in the season it is recommended to include a list of acceptable subs.  Any subs made will be for equal and usually greater value.